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View Full Version : Unban please

04-26-2010, 03:19 PM
Im not clear of what happened, but I went to the server, went afk for a few minutes, and I was kicked. When I tried to rejoin it just autokicked me. As I reviewed the console, there appeared to be a large amount of lag as shown by the chat, which was probably why I was kicked, but my ping is always less than 50 and I dont understand why I would get banned for something like that.

I was kicked by ?????
my steam id is:STEAM_0:0:1270691237

please give me an answer asap


04-26-2010, 10:57 PM
I may have kicked you when someone was lagging the server, it should let you back in though. I may have added you to some sort of auto-kick ill try to find and remove you from it.

04-27-2010, 04:34 PM
Thanks for the reply, I can get back on the server now. :D :D