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View Full Version : Starcraft 2 Beta Cracked Skirmish only!

03-10-2010, 06:20 PM
First off, no, you can't play on battle.net.

Secondly, no, you can't play with LAN because there is no LAN in Starcraft 2 (nor in the beta).

Thirdly, no you can't play the campaign (it's not in the beta).

So this thread is pointless then, right?


You CAN play custom maps against Starcraft 2's AI, using any of the races.

There are two things you need in order to play Starcraft 2.

The first is a copy of the beta. This is available in a variety of locations:

Bitgamer (requires an account):
http://www.fileshack.com/file.x/17189/S ... eta+Client (http://www.fileshack.com/file.x/17189/StarCraft+2:+Wings+of+Liberty+US+Closed+Beta+Clien t)
Demonoid (The only file you want to download is the game itself, ignore the other files in the torrent):
AtomicGamer (enGB client maybe?):

The second thing you need is this archive:

Password is s7ar

Now that I've downloaded everything, how do I play?

1. Install the beta. It will install two patches after it installs the game itself.
Click play, let it launch the game once to autodetect your graphics settings, then exit.

2. Extract the contents of thingsv3.7z to your starcraft 2 beta folder, overwriting when it asks.

3. Read the included Readme.

Have fun

Credz to Cey22 @ Facepunch.com & Myself

chef. lack
03-12-2010, 12:39 AM
there are some shares that include the ai/maps/everything you need. have tried 3 off of the pirate bay and worked great.

i likey ;)

03-19-2010, 02:14 PM
Wish you could play on bnet :P