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02-26-2010, 05:51 PM
We were playing legendary and he was fucking with the gravity... -.-

02-26-2010, 05:54 PM
Eat a dick paul. Changing it accidentally, getting nothing but a few laughs out of it from everyone isn't gonna do shit.

02-26-2010, 05:58 PM
you did it twice..

02-26-2010, 06:25 PM
Chill your penis. As long as it isnt 10000 times, its fine. Stop whoring the map, MAYBE.

02-26-2010, 06:44 PM
Nobody can whore Legendary.

02-26-2010, 06:55 PM
I agree with Paul. No offense Penor, but you you noclip/tele through maps a lot(though lots of people do, this should probably change), and you also cheated the time on bob. Its unnecessary for you to change the gravity. Everyone has seen(or should have seen) mustards post about how admin abuse needs to be taken seriously and that him and evolv will have to start removing admin if abuse doesn't stop. Maybe yours doesnt need to be removed yet, but as of right now it seems like your number 1 on that list if it does come to removing admin.

Also, I know you were in the old ksf for a long time, as well as the new ksf for a long time. However, you rejoined not very long ago, and you already seem to be more guilty about abusing than almost anyone else. That really speaks volumes to me. Not to mention that you post and act like a douche to Paul. Paul has every right to make this complaint, and he did the right thing in making it.

Bottom line(And this isn't just for you)

EVERYONE NEEDS TO STOP ABUSING(we are ALL guilty sometimes, including me). A good admin should never use there power unless NEEDED. I'm not the one to make the call on this sort of thing, but imo all the teleing and noclipping needs to stop. Its just getting ridiculous.

chef. lack
02-26-2010, 11:27 PM
I slayed everyone at the end of the map... ;)

But yeah, seems some admins need to chill and just go with the rotation, vote systems and whatnot are there for a reason. (not talking about instances on maps where people need to quit respawning, ie amplitude etc. slay alls are necessary then, but when there's like 1 or 2 live guys left on a team that obviously respawned after a warning.)

02-28-2010, 02:25 PM
EVERYONE NEEDS TO STOP ABUSING [.....] but imo all the teleing and noclipping needs to stop. Its just getting ridiculous.

A shoutout for those of you who still uses teleport every fucking 10 sec because of a failed attempt of beating a record. STOP IT! As an example, no offense, i saw medix teleporting himself back to spawn at surf_matrix every failed attempt of getting the record. and yes, after a usage of 50 teleports he made it. btw, there were around 20-30 people playing on the map, so being a few ppl trying to set a record isnt an excuse. see, this is annoying.
This is not a personal complaint against medix, but to all of those I regularly see / have seen doing this. this episode just reminded me of the problem.
- zen. :twisted:

02-28-2010, 07:13 PM
Penor I have been getting alot of complaints of you abusing lately. I know your an old members an all, but if it continues I will have to take action. Just dont let it happen anymore ^^

02-28-2010, 08:39 PM
EVERYONE NEEDS TO STOP ABUSING [.....] but imo all the teleing and noclipping needs to stop. Its just getting ridiculous.

A shoutout for those of you who still uses teleport every fucking 10 sec because of a failed attempt of beating a record. STOP IT! As an example, no offense, i saw medix teleporting himself back to spawn at surf_matrix every failed attempt of getting the record. and yes, after a usage of 50 teleports he made it. btw, there were around 20-30 people playing on the map, so being a few ppl trying to set a record isnt an excuse. see, this is annoying.
This is not a personal complaint against medix, but to all of those I regularly see / have seen doing this. this episode just reminded me of the problem.
- zen. :twisted:

I agree with this to an extent, I only use it myself on surf_bob and year3000 and I make sure I'm not affecting any-one else, if I'm the last person alive because of it I'll just kill myself for a fresh round.

03-01-2010, 07:36 PM
Can this thread die? I didn't even use my admin in that past 3 or 4 days and got shit stormed individually by all the heads. I don't need a fucking lecture...just tell me to stop and I will. Everyone's getting butthurt over me no clipping to explore the easter eggs of different maps (YES, that's all I do. I suck shit at surfing and when I can't beat a level, I just go around to explore how the map was designed), and yet when people "teleport to reset their counter", it is considered Ok. I've never banned, kicked, or muted anyone in my life...but who cares right? People do those all the time without any complaints, why should it matter? What people fail to realize is that my abuse is never directed at anyone specifically and usually has little to not effect on those in the server. I never beat a map so that I could kill everyone and if it happens accidentally, I kill myself so that everyone has an equal chance of killing the others. The one time I beat surf_bob, I had no idea I even beat it, for 1) I don't give a shit about the timer and didn't even notice it pop up and 2) I had no idea I was on the last level because I've never gotten that far before. Evolv and Daniel both say they have been getting lots of complaints about me, yet this is the first complaint I've heard for myself. If you have a problem with something, stop running to the owners and ask the actual person doing it to stop. You guys are getting soft and missing the fundamental aspects this clan was built upon: to have fun. If no-clipping allows me to have fun and does not affect the fun of those in the server, why should I not be able to do it? Yes, I agree that changing the gravity was wrong on my part and I'm sorry, but it was all corresponding to the aspects of 'fun'. Within the time frame of me accidentaly hitting the button and the couple seconds after until I turned it off, people were shitting brix and loling on the mic. I decided to do it again for another 5 or so seconds for the lulz. I don't see how a changed setting for a total of 10 seconds, which had an overall positive reaction would result in so much aftermath hostility. It went to the point of Paul promising me that he will do everything for me to lose my admin. I mean seriously Paul? Seriously? You were in spectate the whole time on the mic with some people. If anything, you should be the least affected.

tldr: Please stop bitching and realize what the overall point of our clan is..to have fun.


03-01-2010, 07:55 PM
It went to the point of Paul promising me that he will do everything for me to loose my admin.

No... just no...