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View Full Version : soooooo

02-23-2010, 10:53 PM
This might just be my opinion but whatever, I hope none of you take this personally but I know MANY members feel the same.

KSF is becoming a community rather than a top surf clan, I wouldn't say it isn't a fantastic one but many members did not join it for this.
It's becoming far too easy to join, some hang out in vent for a week, some play on the server for a week, I remember when I joined I wasn't the greatest surfer and it took me over a month of living on the ksf server to get noticed, and thats when every-one left for Fragg.

Another point is that a lot of old members are coming back and are instantly rejoining without question, and I have NO DOUBT some of these members would not play on our server otherwise, I can imagine a few who only join for the admin back, without it they would be long gone.

I have spoken to many members who feel the same way, but I'm not going to mention any names as I respect privacy.

I just wanted to know every-one's opinion on this rather than having to keep it to Steam messages or an empty vent.

Please dont take this personally, it really isn't meant like that. I edited the previous ending as it came out wrong.

02-23-2010, 11:29 PM

02-24-2010, 02:20 AM
Thats what i have been thinking for quite some time now. agreed. ;)

Mr.Demon <3
02-24-2010, 06:00 PM
I've already made some threads with the same subject i think.
Honestly some people don't even come on the forums and some don't even play on the servers.

imo new members = no admin.

That way you'll see if they really are in for the clan or for the admins.