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02-22-2010, 01:30 PM
This is where we talk about this. First of all, right now the people who can see this are

Who else do you guys think should be added to help us plan? Also, please note that if you wish to participate, I am going to ask that you do not help plan just because for the skill surf part the maps will be kept secret until the day of the event.

So in terms of what we have so far, we think that we should have a skill surf and combat surf tournament. The top 10 or so(this number is flexible, give input please) will advance to a final bracket that will be a mix of all surf types. How we will work the final bracket is at this point unknown.

For the skill portion, I do not think we should just see who can beat a skill map first. On top of the fact that certain people will ALWAYS win, this has been done before. Not to mention egi's timer renders it kind of pointless. I think that it should be a bunch of random things. A few examples would be get to the top of the roof of pro on year3000 or do banana backwards on fruits(obviously this would be early round tasks as they are easy). I want to keep this things a secret until a day or 2 before the matches, at which point we will tell competitors that the map will involve fruits, but NOT what the task will be. We need to come up with tasks to be done, so please give ideas.

As far as the skill surf matches go, I think it should be 1v1 matches, where competitors will race to see who can perform the task first. There will be 3 rounds per match, at the end of the match, best 2 out of 3 wins. We will have to make sure that we test the challenges to make sure they are fair and can be done by many, not just 1 or 2 really pro surfers(except for the later rounds of course). There will also be several warm up rounds per match.

As for the combat bracket, I talked to evolv and I dont think it should be a bracket at all. I mentioned the idea that every day(or everyother day, or weekends, GIVE IDEAS HERE) for an hour or 2 we play only combat maps on the server. At the end of x number of days, as long as you have logged x number hours and have a top x kdr(again, ideas please. this number needs to be the same number of people from the skill surf part), you advance to the final bracket.

We would need to come up with a maplist for this, and we would need to say like 5 or 6 rounds per map, then change. This would help make it more fair.

Please, provide input here. Nothing is set in stone yet. This is really going to take a good amount of planning. The bigloop tournament was good, but I clearly dropped the ball on some of the planning. So please, lets make this awesome. I want this huge, it will really get our name out there. When we finish planning this, I intend to post on several other forums to make this BIG(intox/solid surf/etc,)

02-22-2010, 01:34 PM
Oh, I should add that for the skill part, much like the combat, once we get the field down to 10 or so people, those competitors will advance to the final. So basically the skill part isn't just last person standing.

02-22-2010, 01:49 PM
I think we should find someone who can host a sever to help us plan, that way when we come up with stuff for the skill surf part we can test them to see if they are good ideas.

02-22-2010, 02:27 PM
Here are some ideas that I was thinking about real quickly upon hearing about it from Daniel.

1. Bigloop, while I'm sure the last tournament was a blast and all, has been overplayed and caused some really great and mature players to get a little fussy about the amount of time it gets played. Maybe thats not really an issue, but I think this server is only as good as the people who surf there and the maturity level brought with them. One of the things that attracted me most to the KSF community was the lack of "kids" so to speak that inhabit a lot of other servers. There are lots of other combat maps that are out there, and don't have such a tired and boring plot to them. I don't know what maps Daniel or whoever had in mind, but I wanted to throw my opinion about that particular one out there. I know some, if not several, KSF members and people in the KSF community agree with me about that point.

2. Non-steam players. I realize we are a non-steam server, therefore we will attract a lot of people who do not have Steam. Which, ultimately, is fine by me, but I think there should be a line on where people can participate or not, based on their contributions. Some of us play the game religiously, and I think, even as a former non-steam player, that a competition should be closed off to non-steam users. Most of the best players I've seen, have Steam anyway, this just roots out some of the riffraff so to speak. Maybe thats too forward of me, but its not hard to get a real version of CSS, from experience I know this.

3. This is going to be a competition, and for it to be something to be remembered, it needs to be as balanced as possible. Obviously, some people are better then others, sometimes by huge lengths. I think a player signup list needs to be started, so we know what level of players we are dealing with, that way we can plan it accordingly so that everyone has the opportunity to make their mark. Certain players know certain maps better then they know their own hands, which gives everyone else the distinct disadvantage, therefore taking away from the "fun" aspect of it, which should be the ultimate goal, as this is mass entertainment, not a career.

4. If we don't find another server to host this tournament, would it be completely out of the question to use one of the KSF servers for a few hours by passwording it?

5. I know I already spoke about maturity levels, and I know that some of us, mainly me(=D) have a colorful way of communicating with people via chat/mic, but that doesn't mean I do not know how to conduct myself "professionally" when the time calls for it. I believe age is a factor for some players inability to control themselves, so I would think a minimum age for entry should be 16?

Once again, all these things are just personal points I have thought up in the last 10 mins of hearing about this from Daniel, I hope to expand on some of them and add more in the near future, and I do not expect anyone to agree with these points if it conflicts with something they feel. I am welcome to critics and opinions from all.


02-22-2010, 02:42 PM
Here are some ideas that I was thinking about real quickly upon hearing about it from Daniel.

1. Bigloop, while I'm sure the last tournament was a blast and all, has been overplayed and caused some really great and mature players to get a little fussy about the amount of time it gets played. Maybe thats not really an issue, but I think this server is only as good as the people who surf there and the maturity level brought with them. One of the things that attracted me most to the KSF community was the lack of "kids" so to speak that inhabit a lot of other servers. There are lots of other combat maps that are out there, and don't have such a tired and boring plot to them. I don't know what maps Daniel or whoever had in mind, but I wanted to throw my opinion about that particular one out there. I know some, if not several, KSF members and people in the KSF community agree with me about that point.

2. Non-steam players. I realize we are a non-steam server, therefore we will attract a lot of people who do not have Steam. Which, ultimately, is fine by me, but I think there should be a line on where people can participate or not, based on their contributions. Some of us play the game religiously, and I think, even as a former non-steam player, that a competition should be closed off to non-steam users. Most of the best players I've seen, have Steam anyway, this just roots out some of the riffraff so to speak. Maybe thats too forward of me, but its not hard to get a real version of CSS, from experience I know this.

3. This is going to be a competition, and for it to be something to be remembered, it needs to be as balanced as possible. Obviously, some people are better then others, sometimes by huge lengths. I think a player signup list needs to be started, so we know what level of players we are dealing with, that way we can plan it accordingly so that everyone has the opportunity to make their mark. Certain players know certain maps better then they know their own hands, which gives everyone else the distinct disadvantage, therefore taking away from the "fun" aspect of it, which should be the ultimate goal, as this is mass entertainment, not a career.

4. If we don't find another server to host this tournament, would it be completely out of the question to use one of the KSF servers for a few hours by passwording it?

5. I know I already spoke about maturity levels, and I know that some of us, mainly me(=D) have a colorful way of communicating with people via chat/mic, but that doesn't mean I do not know how to conduct myself "professionally" when the time calls for it. I believe age is a factor for some players inability to control themselves, so I would think a minimum age for entry should be 16?

Once again, all these things are just personal points I have thought up in the last 10 mins of hearing about this from Daniel, I hope to expand on some of them and add more in the near future, and I do not expect anyone to agree with these points if it conflicts with something they feel. I am welcome to critics and opinions from all.

You bring up a lot of good points. I don't really know how I feel about non steam or not to be honest. I think I lean towards agreeing with you though. The easiest way to get messages out is a steam group I think(for the bigloop tournament almost NOBODY that participated(other than ksf members) actually checked the forums). I would still need to send individual messages to people, but with a steam group that would make it easier to keep track of everyone.

As for bigloop, I honestly think it should be included. We would only be on it for a little while for each day anyways, and the amount of bitching that its not included would be ridiculous. IMO we should come up with 10-15 maps, so 1 map a lot of people don't like isn't going to be a huge deal. Plus, with admins always in the server during the competition part, and the fact that dm is off, people just raping on bigloop will only factor into the tournament so much.

As for the balance, I already know people like morning and blanks will participate(I asked them a long time ago if we had one if they would, and they both said yes). Though a lot of the people on the server are not that good, trust me when I say this WILL bring in really good skill surfers. However, given that maps will NOT be revealed before hand, and it will be challenges in a map and not just straight up race to the end, I think it will be relatively balanced. I mean, yes, they ARE really, really good, but thats just a fact of life. Some people are good because they have been surfing for 4 or 5 years, its not fair to not let someone participate just because they have been playing for longer than others.

For the age thing, I dont think it matters. Most of the little kids suck anyways and will be weeded out. And the little kids that are good are generally relatively intelligent.

As far as server goes, the combat portion would obviously be on the main server, but the skill part would probably need to be on a different one. Depending on whether or not the gg server gets popular, we could potentially just convert that for a week or 2 to get the skill part done. But if we only need 1 tourney admin(aka someone planning) and the 2 surfers, we COULD do this someones create a server.

One more thing, I don't think we should start signups or announce this until we have this COMPLETELY planned. Part of the reason the bigloop tournament turned into a mess was that I didn't really completely organize it until after people signed up and it was just a pain to figure out.

Also, I feel like we should make everyone sign up that wants to particpate, even for the combat part. Lots and lots will play on the server during the combat part that won't know about the tourney, so we should make people sign up, and out of those signed up, the top 10 advance to the final. We should make people participate in BOTH parts to advance to the final.

04-12-2010, 09:19 PM
text text text text... something going to happen? :|

04-12-2010, 09:58 PM
I would really, really like to see this happen, but I honestly need help and input from more than just digital. I have the forum set so only a few people can see it because I want to keep this quiet until its fully planned, but I just really need help and feedback, especially from evolv/mustard because I need to know what we can and cant do on the server.

04-12-2010, 11:49 PM
You (and the server) can do ANYTHING you put your mind to ... what is this your worrying that the server cannot do?

04-13-2010, 10:53 AM
Its not so much what the server itself can or cant do, its what you guys are willing to help me with, but nobody responds so I dont know lol

04-13-2010, 06:57 PM
Well I guess its all up to you then 8-)

04-19-2010, 02:52 AM
Buck-wild tourney with a twist, yay. You may not enter the !-room at any time or the point goes to the opponent. We could set up a couple of rules to make it harder.

But i guess ppl would be more excited about a bigloop tourney once again