View Full Version : New APP By Blaze ( I leave xK )

02-12-2010, 08:59 PM

Please fill out your application if you wish to enlist in the KSF Clan.

First Name: Juan Pablo

CSS Username: Blaze

Steam ID: I dont have one =P

Steam Account Name: N/A

Age: 15

Location: Colombia

Duration of time applicant has been playing CSS (estimate): 1 - 2 Years

Duration of time applicant has been surfing CSS (estimate): 1 - 2 Years ( i only play surf =P )

Duration of time applicant has been playing on KSF Server: 1 - 2 Years ( i only play in ksf or toxic )

List of Skill Maps Completed: Fruits - Jack | Vegetables - Cabagge | Forfiden Tomb - 3 | Forfiden Tomb3 - 4 | at Surf_Boring i can get to lv 15 :D | BHop_ Easy Reloaded | BHop- Moster Jam.. ect .

Reason applying for KSF Clan: I think ksf as good players , good admins and good members i think ksf is only for PROs so i want to join

Contributions applicant has made/can make towards the KSF Community: I have a loot of Friends, In school , in City ect , i show to my cousin the server i play on it too his name is xK Black if u meet him.... and my friends really like CSS i can show the server... and community.

Do you actively use a microphone and/or have a microphone: Nop, but i have money and i can buy a new one =P

Do you actively participate on the KSF forums? ..... no sorry i only like to play.. i dont like too much forums lol.

Do you participate on the KSF Ventrilo? Nop i , i say i only play in Surf servers i dont like maps like Dust or anything like that

The applicant must then receive five acceptance posts by KSF Clan members and/or one acceptance by a head administrator of KSF. ok tnnx

Are you currently in another clan? If so please post your current clan. No

Evolv i know u dennied my last app cuz i was in xk now i think xk is dead Black leave Yung kim leave, I leave too .... Typhon dont play so its dead

so this is my new app tnx evolv / daniel / all ksf members! :D

02-13-2010, 03:42 PM
i think i remember you, and as i remember ur a pretty cool guy. maybe not the most skilled surfer but thats not all that counts either. but if its gonna be a yes from me you will have to be active on the forums. and btw ventrilo isnt a css server its a speaking thingy server :P

02-14-2010, 07:08 PM
tnx , plzzz evolv or daniel say anything!

chef. lack
02-17-2010, 11:00 PM
blaze your'e in if you do all of myspanishlab.com assignements for spanish

02-18-2010, 12:05 AM
I have mymathlab.com homework.

02-18-2010, 01:22 AM
Howabout you do MY math homework.

02-18-2010, 06:18 AM
yeah can u do my english wo....

oh wait i dont go to school

02-18-2010, 03:45 PM
say if im in our aout!!!!! evolv or daniel or anybody!!1

02-18-2010, 03:45 PM
say if im in or out!!!!! evolv or daniel or anybody!!1

02-18-2010, 04:49 PM
I say no, but thats just me.

02-18-2010, 06:05 PM
come on plzzz

02-18-2010, 07:39 PM
The fact that you are begging and obviously want it quickly tells me that you probably just want admin or to get recognition for being in ksf, and that leads me to say no. And thats on top of the fact that evolv said he let you in before and you left for xK. Sorry. However, just because this is denied now doesn't mean our minds won't change. Continue playing and contributing to our community and maybe at a later time you can apply again.

02-18-2010, 08:04 PM
-.- ok

02-20-2010, 07:26 PM
i give a no as well..you need to be patient, dont ask evolv or daniel or others every single minute about ur app and maybe u will get some yes's