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View Full Version : KSf Video

02-10-2010, 12:51 PM
Ok so we tried to do this before but failed hard, but I think its worth a try. We know enough people that can edit video that I think we should be able to do this. Thoughts?

02-10-2010, 01:36 PM
count me in, hope we can make it now ^^ if no one else can edit i could do it, im not a skilled editor tho. and ive talked to a friend off me who is a skilled editor, he said that he could do it if we didnt get anyone to do it. and what kind of vid should it be? skill surf? trick surf? both? i suggest alittle bit off both ;)

02-10-2010, 02:32 PM
Hard levels such as legendary level 7, core ect ect should be included, and maybe trick skill surf? I'm working on doing flying fortress backwards atm.

Trick surf should be only good shit though, there is a lot of it out there.

02-10-2010, 02:49 PM
Yeah no skyworld or anything like that, its all been done a million times. We should work on doing this in unique ways instead of just surfing a level normally(short cuts in linear/skill maps, think about stuff like the short cuts in quantum or parrot selector). I also think we should include easy levels done in cool ways so that even people that suck(read:me) can be included.

02-10-2010, 03:04 PM
agreed, if any one wants some demos i could send u some, i can do some lvls backwards and sideways, idk if its good or if its not ^^

02-10-2010, 03:07 PM
Lets say everyone who wants in can pick 1 or 2 levels and do them? I personally have a shit computer but someone else can just record my .dem with fraps or something and it comes out with better quality right?

02-10-2010, 04:19 PM
Lets say everyone who wants in can pick 1 or 2 levels and do them? I personally have a shit computer but someone else can just record my .dem with fraps or something and it comes out with better quality right?

yeah but if we get a good quality editor he'll record the demo in seperate images and then link them to make it.

Thats the best quality you can get apprently.

02-10-2010, 04:34 PM
Lol, a lot of the previous demos we made like 6 months ago are SO outdated! but, some of them were pretty awesome though, like Xile beating torque2's first stage backwards etc. What ive heard is that Zeus has the demos. havent talked to him about these though, who knows.

but i agree that this is our 2nd chance to prove ourselves with something more skilled than surf_commune like last time. trick surf indeed is a way or sick surf-kills, whatever! i know theres a couple of levels i have done sideways (lib2 stage 1&3, lithium stage2) and just randoms. buck-wild should be included as well - as if you have succeded a nice trick or something, just keep source recorder enabled so that when you finally make up something awesome/original (randomly og by luck) you'd have it saved.

oh, and im up for sum shitz like AE intro.. hmmm.. i gotta get them css back sometime soon lmao.

02-10-2010, 04:49 PM
buck-wild is a cool map, not many videos have been done so far off that map either. if we want very good quality the person who records should have alot of space :P on my 30 sec quality test i used like 20-30 gb recording and converting. ofc u can delete ur old files but thats boring ;) but ill gladly help with recording and getting good quality.

chef. lack
02-11-2010, 11:50 PM
if a video is done, it should be done based off of pure awesomeness. know one wants to watch someone beat a level, they want to see something that no one else does. this could include a crazy 10 second 8 person kill stream on bigloop, to surfing a level backwards/sideways whatever. know theme should be set IMO, just the craziest out of the world surfing.

btw inform the nubs like me on sourcerecorder

02-12-2010, 12:31 AM
I can do torque level 4 with some cool jamzzz. Ill probably upload a demo whenever I get around to actually recording. Oh, for editing purposes, is it better for me to upload a source tv file (forget what the extension is), or like an avi or mp4 or something of that nature?

02-12-2010, 03:22 AM
I can do torque level 4 with some cool jamzzz. Ill probably upload a demo whenever I get around to actually recording. Oh, for editing purposes, is it better for me to upload a source tv file (forget what the extension is), or like an avi or mp4 or something of that nature?

You can do torque lvl 4?

Also it'd be great if we could get a subsection for this video, where every-one involved could have a thread and post thier demos, a have a ton of buckwild ones and some japan_ptad ones and some good master exploder ones.

02-12-2010, 09:20 AM
I can do torque level 4 with some cool jamzzz. Ill probably upload a demo whenever I get around to actually recording. Oh, for editing purposes, is it better for me to upload a source tv file (forget what the extension is), or like an avi or mp4 or something of that nature?

You can do torque lvl 4?

Also it'd be great if we could get a subsection for this video, where every-one involved could have a thread and post thier demos, a have a ton of buckwild ones and some japan_ptad ones and some good master exploder ones.
duh mane level 4 on torque is easy. I can do it with a bit of w surfing mixed in. I havent even played it in awhile so it might take me a bit to get it again but yeah. Im not THAT bad loooool

02-13-2010, 10:09 AM
I can do torque level 4 with some cool jamzzz. Ill probably upload a demo whenever I get around to actually recording. Oh, for editing purposes, is it better for me to upload a source tv file (forget what the extension is), or like an avi or mp4 or something of that nature?

You can do torque lvl 4?

Also it'd be great if we could get a subsection for this video, where every-one involved could have a thread and post thier demos, a have a ton of buckwild ones and some japan_ptad ones and some good master exploder ones.
duh mane level 4 on torque is easy. I can do it with a bit of w surfing mixed in. I havent even played it in awhile so it might take me a bit to get it again but yeah. Im not THAT bad loooool

hahaha torque is one of my gay maps, i only finished it the other day when i tried, s_t_a_t_i_o_n and legendary lvl 7 are, i got the to ring on it before i did torque.

02-14-2010, 07:32 AM
I would have done legendary level 7 (both of them) but I can't surf that well anymore...

02-14-2010, 04:26 PM
Yo guys. i see you want a ksf video. Can't see anyone report in for editing yet. I can edit shit for this, I won't edit shit that isn't recorded with source TV. If you want it to be a smooth video, record with source TV . Then I'll edit a super smooth video ^_^

03-02-2010, 07:34 PM
well i can help you on the intro but i think trick surf will be the best

chef. lack
03-03-2010, 12:05 PM
i got a dope 1v 12 on bano where i killed the rest of them in a little under 45 seconds. i'll go pull it off my old harddrive

03-10-2010, 02:54 PM
looks like this topic has stopped, and i want to make it active again. we have to find out who's gonna do the editing and shit? razer could do it if his still up for it. or a friend of me said he could do it if noone else wanted to.