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View Full Version : digital and acid fries should be out of the clan

namssorG seL
02-01-2010, 06:04 PM

what total douchers ksf. you can do better.

digital came into our intox surf server and just started talking shit about juicy j, a recently deceased member. nobody banned him just ignored him then he told me to join your servers, i did so him and acid could just spout more shit about juicy j and then they banned me.

what the fuck ksf??

02-01-2010, 08:34 PM
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=953 (http://forums.kamikazestrikeforce.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=953)

As you can see we clearly DONT condone this sort of behavior. We aren't going to kick either of them out, but they will be spoken to and it won't happen again.

02-01-2010, 08:41 PM
I realize the relationship intox and many other steam members have with Juicy J and agree this was completely inappropriate and should never of happened. You might already know how acid-fries acts and digital had decided to follow along. With this being said I have told acid fries and digital to refrain from making disrespectful remarks towards one of your deceased members. Call this a warning, if it happens again please let me know. (You can add me on steam - AnonymousArmy)

namssorG seL
02-01-2010, 10:08 PM
Thank you for the replies. I know they were just trying to get a rise I'm just surprised. I didn't know Juicy all that well but still, you can be sure it touches a note with intox.

Well whatevs, we both have quality surf servers up I just think both parties are beyond this petty stuff but none of us judge ksf based off a couple members' actions. Just thought you might want to know what a few members were up to.


02-02-2010, 04:32 PM
Dude i totally agree with the kicking of acid fries

Yesterday i wanted to say that im sorry for being annoying and he curses the shit out of me and almost banned me

im like WTF??

Thats how you fucking treat me??

02-02-2010, 09:30 PM
Agreed Acid banned me because i told him to get the huge banana out of his fat ass ^^...Sand Niggers....

Picture not Applicable:

chef. lack
02-03-2010, 12:00 AM
Acidfries and terrorist definitely need a fucking realityl check, had no idea they went into the intox server before what i witnessed in the KSF server

you guys are fucking douchebags, yeah we all know you try really hard and all, but sometimes you cross the lines of what should be acceptable and what not.

zombie you're not included in this reply

but seriously, grow the fuck up a little bit. understand that there is someone behind that players name, even if their mommy took away their computer rights away because of bad grades.

02-03-2010, 11:15 AM
May I add: I hate when people associate individual members representing the entire clan/community.
-Please keep an eye on recently recruited members and deouchebags. :-)

02-14-2010, 10:51 PM
Ok wTF?? I stopped playing css for like a year and + I used to surf and talk with juicy j. Cool Guy. He even teached me how to surf :X When did he die ?? im sad right now :(((

OMg im fuckinggg sad :( I was looking forward to playing with him again.

I don't have anything against acid being kicked out. He's the master of Douchiness, if that shit even exist. Digital is a cool guy, tho.