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View Full Version : JB Woodflower Textured elegance Joomla templates

01-29-2010, 02:54 AM
JB Woodflower | Joomla Template | Joomlabamboo

Joomla templates Wood Flower is a rich and elegant Joomla template with diverse colour and layout options. Wood Flower is the first template to be built using our new framework which provides an amazing amount of flexibility and control over the way you implement the template. Creating your own unique theme will never be the same again.
emplate feature overview

Beautiful Theme Variations

The Woodflower Joomla template comes with a mix and match style of building your own themes from. There are 13 background variations to suit your personal tastes. Beyond that, you get 15 different flower accent styles that you can jazz up your design with, and finally select your typography style. Read about setting the options.
The New JB Framework

Joomla templates Woodflower is the first template to be released on our rapid template development (RTD) platform we call the Zen Grid Template Framework. What does this mean to you? It means customization will be easier, templates will be more stable, and less worry Read about the framework.
Loaded with extensions

We have included numerous of our extensions in the Woodflower quickstart package and which are available for any of our templates. They include JB Type, BambooBox, jFlickr, jTweet, Slideshow 3.1, and Microblog. Use them for image galleries, Twitter feeds, blogging ,and more!
JB Type - more typographical control

We have created a new plugin Joomla templates that will help manage your typography settings without worrying so much about setting the styles. Its called JB Type, and you just wrap your text in {jb_bluebox} type tags to have the styles applied. Read about the new JB Type.
Total control

Joomla templates Woodflower can have 1-4 columns, with the content to the right or left. All of the controls for this are in the template manager, so you don't need to be a CSS wizard to make changes.
Ultimate Joomla module flexibility

When you add it up, you get a whopping 54 module positions with Woodflower. This includes a hidden panel and our versatile grid system, which is part of the new framework. View module position schematic.
Superfish and Panel Menus

Our old favourites the Superfish and our accordion like panel menus make another appearance in this theme. Read more about the superfish and panel menus.



