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01-29-2010, 02:51 AM
85 Php Scripts


1) Expired Domain Finder Script:
This PHP script has become a very hot item within the last 6 months!
This Script will look up domains that have expired, or are about to expire
in both the Yahoo! Directory, AND Dmoz Directory! This script will also
allow your customers to monitor domains that they are interested in;
it has a domain digger, and has PayPal IPN functionality built right into
the script! There are many websites selling memberships using this script
for up to as much as $29.99 per month! The script comes with an
administrator section where you can manage the look, and feel of your website,
as well as manage your members, set up different membership packages
and more! The fact that this script uses MySQL means that it is extremely fast,
and can look up expired or soon to expire domains in an instant!

2) PHP Auto Hits Script:
With this new PHP Auto Hits script, you can set up a
profitable traffic exchange service, complete with an
auto-surfer and everything else.

The Following Scripts ALL come with Royalty-Free License!

3) PHP Link Listing Script:
The Script Is Unique from Other Link Listing Scripts In That It Creates
Different ?Rooms? For Different Links! Making This Powerful Script its
Own Little Web Surfing Tool For The Visitor Of The Site! It Is More Or
Less A Nice Little Search Engine! Once A Visitor Signs Up For The Website
they are placed on a mailing list, and the script automatically sends out
an email to each visitor every time a new link is added! You Can Make
Money Selling Advertising To Other Webmasters! The Automatic Email
Will Guarantee Your advertisers that their link will be seen! The Visitor
will have a choice on whether to receive an email for each link OR one
email with all new links listed! There is a top ten list for the most popular
links! When you add a new wing, you choose a name and also who can
get there. You may have rooms that are off-limits to the public.
These private rooms will never be shown to the public or appear in
the Top 10, Last 10 and Random lists! A very nice script!

4) PHP MySQL Yahoo Style Link Directory/Search Engine:
This Script is a PHP and MySQL powered links database which allows You to
run a database driven categorized links section on a web site - similar in
structure to Yahoo or any other categorized links collection. Features include:
* Fully database driven utilizing MySQL.
* Full template system allowing you to control the HTML output of the script
without needing to alter any of the PHP code.
* Easily customizable if you wish to alter the script in any way.
* Very easy to admin via the web - log in and add / edit categories and links.
* Visitors to your site can recommend new links, which you can then validate.
* Allows visitors to rate your links from 1-10, and displays average rating.
* Rating a link more than once is discouraged using cookies.
* Number of hits each link has received is recorded and displayed.
* Very easy to set up and use, thanks to an installation script and config file.
* Built in Search Feature.
* Most popular, top rated and newest links pages.

5) PHP MySQL Website Stats Business:
This script is simply awesome! It is a new PHP script, and will allow you to
set up your own link tracking business! There are two different memberships
you can sell with this script, and both are beneficial to you! The lite
membership costs less, but requires your customer?s to keep a banner
to your website on theirs in order to track their stats! The pro membership
of course costs more (Whatever price you set!) and does not require the
customer to link to your site! The script automatically takes payments via
the PayPal subscription method so you are insured to receive your fees
every month! It also keeps track of your customer?s statistics daily, weekly,
and monthly! This is a VERY nice script!

6) Automated Form Submission Prevention Script
Did you ever sign up for a website that makes you enter a combination
of distorted letters and numbers to prevent automated signup and wish
you could add that script to your site? Well now you can. This script
generates distorted images of random sequences that most humans
can read, but computers cannot, therefore to prevent automated robots
from submitting forms and signing up for your service.

7) A Sophisticated PHP Ecommerce Site
This script will allow you to run a very nice, and very secure ecommerce
area or store front from your website! It is very easy to install and comes
with an installer script so that all you need to do to set it up is point and
click! This in-depth script will keep your customer?s entire records safe in
a database, and will allow you to update orders and more!
Highly Recommended!

8) The Well Known osCommerce PHP Shopping Cart!
osCommerce is quickly becoming the shopping cart of choice for many online
merchants! This script is simply AWESOME! You can literally have a store set
up and ready to take orders within an hour! The script comes with a VERY
easy to use admin section where you add all of the products, manage customers,
shipping, tax, payment process, inventory, and just so much more to mention!
You can use MANY, MANY different payment gateways with osCommerce
including PayPal, 2Checkout, authorize.net, and many more! This version of
the script is NOT simply the snapshot version THIS IS THE MILESTONE RELEASE!

9) Your Own FTP Program Written In PHP:
This is another truly GREAT PHP script! This script actually allows you to set-up
and run YOUR OWN FTP SERVER! The best thing about having your own FTP
server is You know who is using your FTP and if there is someone trying to
retrieve your password for your server (which is impossible to do with this
script I might add)! You will be able to set up and use your own FTP program
with ALL of the benefits of the expensive FTP software! If you are a web host,
or have any anonymous FTP users this script will also let your customers use it
for their uploading purposes as well!

10) A FAQ Generator PHP Script:
Have you ever wanted to find an easier way to add your customer?s frequently
asked questions to your website? This script will easily allow you to add topics,
and questions to your new FAQ page! It is very easy to install, And comes with
an administration section so that you can add the information to your page/pages
directly from your web browser! Every site needs to have a FAQ page for the
sake of its clients, and this script provides the easiest way to build one!
Comes With Reseller Rights

11) Two Very Nice PHP Toplists Scripts!
The First Is A Detailed PHP Script With MANY Features:
If you have ever wanted to run your own toplist website
THIS IS THE SCRIPT FOR YOU! It comes with such advanced features
as Anti-Cheating, Rules members MUST follow, Easy to match the look
of your website, looks up lost passwords, allows you to decide if you
want to allow banners to be used by your visitors, Allows you to sell
advertising for your toplist, and a lot more! A very sophisticated script!

12) The Second Is A VERY Nicely Designed PHP Topsite Script:
This toplist script has a VERY nice design to it! It is very easy to install, and is
template based so all of the HTML work has already been done for you! This
toplist script is limited ONLY BY YOU! You can allow as many or as few links to
be added to the entire list, or even page by page! Many toplists make the major
search engines fast due to the amount of links, and visitors they receive! This is
a great way to SELL advertising Or simply advertise your own websites!

13) Two Auction Scripts 1 PHP, And 1 Perl/CGI!
The First Is a Popular PHP Auction script!
This is a VERY nice PHP auction script! It Is a very easy script to install! There
are Many Premium features that come with this auction script! Once it is installed
you can easily manage your new auction site from a secure administration section!
You can manage the look of your website, manage all of your users, approve, and
delete members, send out a newsletter, and much more right from your browser!
The script will automatically notify your customers when they register, get outbid,
win an auction, or owe you money! Once it is installed it is virtually a hands
off business! Comes With Reseller Rights

14) The Second Is Another Popular CGI Auction Script!
A Perl Auction Script That Is Used WIDELY By webmasters! The Script Create
auction sites with unlimited categories, and set the price you wish to charge!
There is only 1 file to upload to your CGI-Bin! Make a few changes, and WOW!
You?ve got your own Auction website!
Comes With Reseller Rights

15) Two Affiliate Scripts Both Written In PHP!
The First Is A Very Simple Script To Run:
This PHP MySQL script will allow you to run your own affiliate program! One
of the easiest ways to get QUALITY traffic to your website is to start your
own affiliate program! Pay your affiliates per click, per sale, or in tiers! You
will find that when you get more and more affiliates signed up, your sales
will skyrocket!

16) The Second Affiliate Script Is A More Sophisticated Script:
This PHP MySQL script has taken running an affiliate program from your website
to the next level! It is very easy to install, And The use of MySQL will securely
keep your user?s information confidential, and keeps excellent track of all
commissions earned by your affiliates! To further secure the scripts it also makes
excellent use of sessions! If you have a business online, and do not have an
affiliate program, you are missing out on some serious cash!

17) POP-UP Creator:
This set of scripts will amaze you when you see how easy it is to create
your own POP-UPS on your website! The Simple To Use Software Makes
Creating Popups So Easy, A Child Can Do It! If You Ever Wanted To Use
The Power of Popups, This Software Is For You! This version of the
POP-UP generator also supports the cookie based pop-ups!

18) PHP Authentication Script NICE!:
If you are looking for a way to secure an area of your website this is one
of the most powerful, and secure ways to do so! This PHP MySQL script
secures your member?s passwords via the powerful MD5 in MySQL! Your
members can finally feel secure about their passwords being secure when
you use this script! The script is VERY easy to install!

19) The Perpetual Traffic Generator:
If you are in need of traffic to your website this script is for you! It Will
Increases your traffic by a whopping 927%, Allows you to generate traffic
24/7 absolutely FREE! Frees you up from clicking away mindlessly in front
of the PC to chalk up traffic credits. Just set it up and it?ll do all the work
for you. Sends a stampede of visitors to your website the very day you
invest in this incredible web marketing tool Makes you kick butt profit in
the traffic generation process!

20) A PHP Links Exchange Website Script:
This link exchange script is a PHP script that allows your visitors to sign up
for an account, and add their link to your website! It keeps track of all dead
links on your website so that you can easily maintain your site, and keep dead
links off of your link exchange! It also has an administration section that is
password protected, and allows you to add categories, links, approve, disapprove,
and delete links right from your browser! This would be a very nice script to start
up a paid or free link exchange! Either way you win because Linking is the best
way to get listed in the major search engines!

21) Two ClickBank Scripts
The First Is The Affiliate Linkmaster:
This Script Stops you from losing your hard earned affiliate commission.
No HTML coding! Just click ?Generate Code? and Instant affiliate link masker
does The Rest For You! Instant affiliate link masker puts more money in your
bank account and NOT somebody else?s! Makes sure you get credit for your
affiliate referrals. Quickly create your masked affiliate link in less than 5 minutes.
No coding involved, Instant Affiliate Link Masker automatically creates your
affiliate web page for you With Instant affiliate link masker you can instantly
protect and encrypt your affiliate link. Encrypt an unlimited number of
affiliate links. No software to install, just download, unzip and run!

22) The Second ClickBank Script Is The Instant Site Maker:
You can automatically build profit pulling web pages in an instant! Quickly
create stunning web pages in less than 5 minutes. No coding involved,
Instant Site Maker automatically creates your web pages for you.
No HTML coding! Just click ?Generate Code? and Instant Site Maker creates
your sales page, thank you page and even automatically creates your
ClickBank instant download link. No software to install - just download
and run. (Requires Internet Explorer version 5.5 or higher) Forget about
difficult and tedious hand coding of your web pages . . . Instant Site Maker
does it for you and without HTML errors. Instant Site Maker lets you create
your own custom web pages instantly. No need to learn HTML or spend
hours debugging code, just paste your sales copy straight from MS Word.
With Instant Site Maker you can instantly and easily add testimonials to
your web page. Quickly and easily create the ClickBank order links so customers
can immediately order products from your site. Quickly and easily create your
ClickBank thank you page. Quickly create your product download link
- so customers? get their products automatically as soon as their order is processed.
Quickly and easily create web pages that are fully optimized for high search engine
ranking because Instant Site Maker is designed to automatically include search
engine friendly HTML code (meta tags) for your pages.

23) A ?Suggest My Site? Script Let your visitors suggest your site easily
by just filling out a form.
This script checks the required fields, sends a thank you message to the
person who suggests your site and attaches a pre-defined text to the
suggestion mail. Supports both English and Turkish languages.

24) A PHP Script For Building A Web Ring:
A Webring Script! Create Your Own Network Of Websites by creating a
webring with this nice script! It will automatically email the members of
your webring, and keeps detailed stats of the visitors you receive to your
webring! A Very nice well designed script, and very easy to install!

25) A PayPal Store Shopping Cart:
This shopping cart script is a data base driven content management system
using PHP and MySQL on a Unix platform (it may work on a windows but I
have not tested yet). It supports PayPal IPN, LinkPoint, Worldpay and
Authorize.net integration and for those who have a merchant account at
their bank there is a way to store credit card info encrypted on the server
using mcrypt; it uses a key for encrypting/decrypting CC numbers to and
from the data base in SSL.

26) PHP Form To Email Script SECURE!:
It is hard to find a form mail script that will securely deliver your client?s
results every time, while concealing your email from the SPAM bots!
This Script Will Do Just That! The script was cleverly written to disguise
your email address, and yet get the results of every form filled out straight
to your inbox! We recommend this script highly, and our clients LOVE it!

27) A Online MultiPlayer Chess Script
This is an advanced WebChess game where two people can meet up online
and play vs. each other. It has many advanced features such as Pawn Promotion,
Move Validations, Tells if King is checked, and many, many more. It requires PHP
and at least one MySQL Database.

28) A Super Easy Administration Program
With this super easy admin program user?s can create, modify, and delete files
and directories. The code is in a modular format so new modules can be easily
created and added. The download is small and contains no un-necessary images
or advertising. This is the newest version which has encrypted passwords and
now works on newer PHP systems and does not require register_globals to be on.

29) A Sharable Web-Based Address Book Script
This script is a web based address book, sharable, multilingual with data
import/export features and is based on PHP4 and MySQL. Main features
include Create/Access your address book on an internet website; import/export
your addresses from/to your email client and/or other address manager
applications, users and contacts groups management, group?s members
messages send facilities (small mailing list utilities which won?t replace a
mailing list manager). This script is also tunable (colors, fonts, content
display, language). This script also comes with installation instructions
in French (other than English).

30) A News Publishing Script
With this state-of-the-art news publishing script written in PHP and using MySQL,
you can post news any time anywhere to your website by using the password
protected administration section. Some features include; post news, delete news,
delete all news, edit news, delete multiple news, change status
(make visible/invisible), supports multi-language, supports CSS, you can call the
script via JavaScript, allow/disallow html, display news as NEW for any amount
of time, display the latest news, display all the news, display full story and display
how many times an article has been read.

31) A ?Users Online? Script
This ?Users Online? script is written in PHP and allows you to display the exact
amount of online users on your website in a very convenient and efficient way.
?Users Online? scripts make your website look high-tech and professional and are
something no webmaster should be without on his/her website.

32) Awesome File Transfer Script
This awesome file transfer script allows your users to upload and download files
from your server; it id highly configurable with user accounts support. Users can
give descriptions to files, create and delete their own files and directories and
sort lists by filename, upload date or downloads. Currently supports English, Italian
and Spanish, but you can customize the application in your language too. If you
own a community website such as an online forum or wish to start one, this is the
perfect script for you either as a stand-alone or an extra service on your website.
This script can get visitors to come and keep coming back time and time again.

33) Affiliate Banner Rotation Script
This affiliate banner rotation script is probably the most easiest to install ad manager
on the web! All you?ve have to do is upload a list of all your affiliate advertising codes
in a list and that is about it. Simply include the script using a PHP include code (included)
and you?re on you way fast and easy. The script changes which advertisement will be
viewed next making sure that all your adverts get equal viewing (does NOT show at
random like most scripts) and the script requires the page to be refreshed to change
the advertisement seen so that you get extended viewing per banner.

34 Simply AWESOME Dating Website Script
This is simply one of the best dating scripts available written in PHP & MySQL. Several
cool features available in this script are users can add, edit and delete profiles, upload
up to three photos, user messaging system, users can set to be notified when another
user will reads their message, users are given numeric usernames to increase privacy,
who is online feature, recommend us feature, current birthday list and statistics on the
main page (amount of men and woman members).

35) Simple yet Powerful Download Counter Script!
This simple yet powerful download counter will log the details of anyone who downloads
any file you specify. It will log their IP Address, Remote Address, browser type and even
operating system and you can easily modify and add new downloads through a powerful
password protected admin panel. This script can keep track of an unlimited number of files.
MySQL and SSI (Server Side Includes) are required.

36) Another ?Users Online? Script!
This Users Online script shows how many users are on your website, you can change
the time in which the MySQL Database Table is refreshed so you can count users online
per minute, hour, week etc! This script is more user friendly and comes with a ?setup.php?
installation file which will set the script up for you.

37) Text based counter written in PHP
You can quit paying for traffic counter services. This script is a very simple and super
easy to install webpage hit counter. The font and color of the counter are completely
customizable and there are only 2 files to upload to your web server. Plus you will even
have the ability to separate the thousands for added customization.

38) A FAQ manager written in PHP and MySQL
This PHP ?FAQ? manager is a simple script yet powerful script that will help you
to create (and manage) a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page on your site.
It is written in PHP, MySQL and FastTemplate so it is fast and easy to configure.
Every website needs a FAQ page so you don?t look like just another ?fly-by-night?
website that won?t be in business for longer than a month or two.

39) A Sports League, Fixture and Prediction Management Script
written in PHP and MySQL!
This powerful script is a football management software written in PHP that use
a MySQL database. It has a modular design and comes with two free modules.
The league module features wizards for managing a football league, fixtures,
games, teams, results, divisions, etc. League team statistics are automatically
calculated and updated every time a game is played/entered. The news module
features an HTML news creator/editor that can be used to post news.

40) A PHP Whois Lookup Script!
This script is a ready to use WHOIS lookup PHP script that all you have to do is
unpack, upload and you are ready to go. The script checks for .com, .net, .org,
.biz and .info domain names. No PHP knowledge required! This is the latest
updated version which is super easily to customize; you can easily change
the language (few lines) or disable domains you don?t need.

41) HOT PHP Visitor Logging Script!
This Hot PHP script is a state-of-the-art visitor logging script that can easily
display 10 vital statistics about your users. The advanced visit logs this script
generator tells you the IP Address, language, browser, operating system, if the
user is new to your website, date and time of visit, last visit, days since last
visit, referrer page and the keywords they used to find your website (if applicable).

42) Awesome LiveHelp Script!
A live Help support chat system that allows the operators of the websites to monitor
their visitors as they are browsing the site and proactively open a chat session with
the visitor. Other features include either text based database or MySQL database,
chat notification, user is typing message, multiple chat sessions and multiple operators.

43) PHP & MySQL Content Management System
This hot script installs in just minutes on any Windows, UNIX, Linux, or BSD based
web server and setup is made super easy through a complete web-based installation
system and an included installation guide. Once this software is installed changes to
the content of your website is made in complete real-time through an easy to use
web-based administration control panel. The control panel allows you to tune every
aspect of your web sites visual appearance and layout and also provides an easy
to use content authoring & management approach unique to this script. The visual
appearance, layout properties, and navigation scheme of the web site can be
instantly changed at a global level selecting from installed professional looking skins
and navigation bars which will automatically reformat the look of your content
?on the fly? while leaving your database driven content completely untouched.
Users of this script will find that authoring and editing content for the web site is
a snap by making use of the enhanced authoring interface which includes support
for both WYSIWYG editors and plain text/HTML markup languages. Uploading and
managing your files is also simple using the included file management utility allowing
you to upload your images, documents and other files directly from your computers
hard disk to the web server where it will become available for use in your websites
content. This script is a must have for webmasters who are looking to make completely
managing their website a breeze without a lot of programming knowledge.

44) An Electronic Reminder Script
This script allows web-clients to set up reminders to automatically email them at a
certain time to remind them of special events. They can set up a one-time reminder
or a recurring reminder and they can have it notify them in advance.

45) Hot Mailing List Script!
This mailing list management script is written in PHP and all subscriber info is stored
in a MySQL database for security. Features include checking whether a subscriber
is or isn?t already registered/subscribed, sending out messages at the time of subscribing
and unsubscribing. A powerful and user-friendly administration control panel allows you
to send messages, list and delete subscribers, supports HTML emails, gives a preview
of the message before sending, logging system, Multilanguage support for English,
French, Italian and German, plus a user-friendly web configuration and
installation system.

46) Web-based Image Management System!
This hot web-based image management system is written in PHP and uses MySQL.
It features cataloguing by standard comment fields or Photoshop-type embedded
comment fields, sub-categorizing into separate repositories, database searching
capability, and more. This is a great script!

47) Web-based POP Email Client!
This script is a web-based POP mail client and is very simple to install but
nevertheless a quite advanced program. Some of its features include easy
to install (does not require PHP to be compiled with IMAP support), reads
and sends attachments, displays text/HTML attachments in-line (while still
giving you the option of saving them to your hard drive), all the basic
functions (send, receive, reply, reply to all, forward, delete), view all headers
or the full source of the email, works even if the user has disabled cookies,
localized date field, translated into several languages, can be set up to check
for new messages automatically, customizable page layout, and more.
Awesome Script!

48) Hot Fully Featured Web Portal System
This script is a web portal System for any webmaster; you can set it up as a
storytelling software, news system, online community or whatever you want
your site to be. Port the system to your local language and customize every
aspect of this remarkable script. Each user can submit comments to discuss
the articles, similar to Slashdot, only faster and more secure. Features include
a web based admin, surveys, top page and access stats, user customizable box,
friendly admin GUI with graphic topic manager, option to edit or delete stories,
moderation system, customizable HTML blocks, user password encryption and
retrieval, search engine, backend/headlines generation, and more. Written in PHP
and requires Apache, PHP and MySQL; the over-riding development philosophy for
the software is performance, privacy and security.

49) Nice FFA Link?s Page Script
Out of all the basic FFA (Free for All) links page scripts I have seen I actually
like this one. This script allows visitors to add links to your page in a specified
category and it is quite, if not super, easy to install and the administration area
supports the deleting of existing links. FFA Link?s pages are a great way to look
established and keep your visitors coming back to your website again and again.

50) Highly Advanced Guestbook Script
This highly advanced guestbook script is written in PHP and uses MySQL.
It includes many useful features such as preview, templates, email notification,
picture upload, page spanning, HTML tags handling, smilies, advanced guestbook
codes, language support and it has a great interface to seal the deal. The admin
area lets you modify, view and delete messages which gives the owner extra control.

51) Powerful Portal with Content Management
This script is highly customizable and high powered all in one system; it provides
content management combined with the power of a portal by including in the core
package modules features such as FAQ, polls, and forums. This script uses
dynamic-template-design which means you have the power to control what
your site will look like. Themes are included, but not required as you can create
the page however you want and this script will just insert code wherever you want it.
Written in PHP and utilizing MySQL to make it amazingly fast and secure, this script
is a great solution for all size website communities.

52) PHP Online Classifieds Script
This classifieds script is an easy way to set up a classified ads website; it is designed
in such a way that it is extremely easy to change the look and feel of your website.
You can design your pages around the functionality of the application. Although this
script does give you a lot of control over the look and feel of the site, it lacks an
interface for advanced administration features. However all the administration can be
done through an interface such as phpMyAdmin. If you know how to use phpMyAdmin
or a similar application and are familiar with relational databases, it should be really
easy to administer categories and users, etc.

53) Fully Featured Web Event Calendar
This is a customizable web calendar developed using PHP and powered by MySQL.
The calendar is viewed in month format with a popup window detailing the events
of each day as they are clicked on. The title and colors are fully customizable within
a single file and the application can be modified to work with other database types.

54) A PHP Bookmarks/Favorites Script
This PHP Bookmarks script is a web-based program that allows you to store your
bookmarks and display them in many useful ways. This script will sort your bookmarks
with usability in mind, keeping often-used bookmarks at your fingertips. It has a
bookmark search, private/public bookmarks, nested groups, usage rankings,
popularity sorting, and a quick add feature.

55) Client Invoicing Script (HOT)
This is a MySQL powered PHP program for invoicing clients so they can view/download
invoices. The system allows an administrator to enter the client details and invoices.
Each client must be given a username and password to login to view their invoices and
the administrator can view the full database by client, date, amount etc. There is an
optional email notification system and full setup instructions included.

56) ICQ Pager Script
This script enables you to put a ICQ pager form on one or more of your web site pages;
the visitors to your website then can use this form to send a short message to any
ICQ user. A cool script that will keep your visitors coming and coming over and over again.

57) Frequently Asked Questions Management Script
This cool script allows you to administer a website?s frequently asked questions.
It blends easily with your site, allows unlimited category depth, is searchable and
allows questions to be in multiple categories. And optional user question submission
option is available, along with most recently added and most popular lists.

58) ClickBank ?Thank You? Page Protector Script
This is a fully automated ?Thank You Page Script? which is much more powerful
than a Static HTML Page. This System will verify whether your buyer is forwarded
from ClickBank after payment, order Details including the ClickBank ?Receipt #? will
be displayed on your Thank You page, this System will collect the name and email
address of your buyer, a sales report will be sent to you Instantly, a Thank You
message will be sent to your buyer without any delay, it adds the buyer to your
Autoresponder System so that follow-up emails will be sent to promote your other
products, the whole system is fully automated and easy to customize with any
text editor. With this script you don?t have to send a thank you message to your
buyer manually, you don?t have to add them to your customer database yourself,
you don?t have to send them promotional emails manually to promote other products,
you don?t have to worry about getting repeated sales and you don?t have to worry
about ebook and software Hackers.

59) MySQL Database Backup Perl Script
With so many scripts in this package using MySQL databases, I only thought it be
fitting to add a script that would easily allow you to make backups of them. But
this script can be used anywhere you have a MySQL database and Perl is supported,
this script will save your skin over and over again.

60) CGI-Based Autoresponder Script
This script is very easy to install and in less than 10 minutes you can have it up and
running which could be the reason it is the number one choice of website owners who
want to take control of their online operations. It has highly advanced features that
every autoresponder script should have. With this script you can send an unlimited
number of follow-up emails and send follow-up emails everyday if you want (some
autoresponder scripts allow you only 20 follow-up emails). This script also works on
an unlimited number of subscribers and it will work great even if you have 100 or
1 million subscribers.

61) Fully Featured PHP Message Boards Script
This is a fully featured message board system and is meant to be both powerful and
easy to use for the users and the administrator. With this script you can setup an
online message board community which is sure to keep your visitors coming back
again and again and is especially useful for people to ask support questions for your
members to answer for free

62) PHP ?Submit-A-Link? Style Script
This ?Submit-A-Link? style script gives you the ability to offer instant links on your site.
Your ads appear above and below the links and also on the submit page. You only need
to edit one file and upload which makes this script very easy to use. This script also
doubles as an opt in list! When anyone submit their link they give you permission to
send them email. All email addresses are stored in one .txt file, making it very easy
for you to add the emails to your current email program/newsletter script!

63) USENET News Client
This PHP script is a USENET news client based totally on a web interface and written
in PHP4 with a MySQL database at its backend which allows you to develop useful
tools such as search engines, SPAM filters, subscriptions, stats, and much more.
The web interface of the ?news group? script is very easy to use, and has all the
advantages of the modern webmail systems because you can search through any
news group anywhere in the world without the need of setting up any program.

64) PHP Image to ASCII Generator
This is a PHP program that generates ASCII images from JPG, GIF or PNG images.
There are several options to alter the generated output, such as color, inversed
color, font sizes, background color, line height or letter spacing only to name a few.
So if you are looking to generate ASCII images from regular jpg, gif or png images,
look no further as this is definitely the PHP script for you and will get the job done.

65) MySQL-Based Office Intranet Suite
This hot script is a PHP and MySQL-Based office intranet suite similar to other more
expensive scripts. It includes a news page, calendar (WebCalendar), rolodex,
contact log, network status page, task list, time sheet, office survey, and more.
All-in-all this is a great script and will be very useful for those who are looking an
office intranet solution.

66) Another PHP Web FTP Program
This tool can be used to access FTP sites from behind any firewall or proxy.
Simply enter the server name (e.g. ftp.ebay.com), username and password
or click the anonymous button and enter your e-mail address. The script will
make a FTP connection from the server it is running from. When the file is
fetched from the FTP server, it will send it to the browser via the HTTP protocol.

67) PHP Based Image Watermarking Script
This script aims to provide a simple way of marking an image with a digital
?watermark? to prevent unauthorized use. It is implemented as a PHP class
and should be usable inside most PHP scripts. Images are accepted either
as a filename or as a reference to a PHP resource.

68) Nice Looking PHP-based eCard Script/Website
This script is a PHP-based eCard system that is easy to setup and use.
The simple Administration Console allows the administrator to upload images
(JPEG?s or GIF?s), add eCard categories, and modify existing settings - no
more messing with HTML or PHP to get your eCard site up and running and
comes with a nice looking template design to close the deal.

69) A Simple Document Management System
This script uses PHP to provide you with a great interface to a MySQL server
that allows you to store and retrieve documents and to share those documents
between users. In addition, the system uses ACL (Access Control Lists) to grant
access rights to documents on a per-user basis. It allows you to distribute project
documentation on a need-to-know basis, whilst keeping a central repository of
documents that is accessible to all team members and easy to manage.

70) PHP-based Instant Photo Gallery Script
This script is a tool for posting customizable, template based galleries, by simply
uploading images to the server the script is running on. The script scans the directory
you point it to (via a query string), and then it stores the list of images it retrieves in
an array that is POSTED from page to page as the user moves through the gallery.
This method of file-list-passing makes this script significantly more efficient than gallery
tools that scan image directories each time they generate a page.

71) Anchor Tag Creator Script
This nifty little script pre-processes HTML before displaying it to the browser
locating user-defined keywords in the HTML string (or plain text for that matter),
and subsequently replacing the keywords with anchor tags of user-defined URL?s.
Pre-defined ?template? anchor tags are available for Google.com searches or
Dictionary.com lookups. This script takes care that no replacement inside an
HTML tag is made and also avoids matching keywords which were found inside
of a pre-existing anchor tag?s text. With this script your website vistors experiences
are enhanced by providing links to dictionary definitions, web searches or any
user-defined URL?s. And whats even better is that web content developers are
provided with a simple way to link keywords without having to manually create all
those anchor tags.

72) CGI Customer Tracking System Script
You can now let your customers submit their request/questions and you will get
email notifications in order to respond to your customers. A simple and colorful
way of tracking customer requests with an easily configurable customer
request form. A sort on customer, status of ticket, date submitted and
even agents is available.

73) Advanced Photo/Image Gallery Script
This PHP & MySQL based photo album features include unlimited albums
and photos, users and comments, automatically add and remove photos,
thumbnail support, multilanguage and themes.

74) Awesome PHP-Based Chatroom Script
This easy to install, simple to handle, cross-browser compatible chat system
comes with its own socket server. If you have a modern browser with frame
support and JavaScript enabled, it makes use of these technologies; if you
have an older browser, have JavaScript disabled, or even a text browser,
you can still chat using this script. In contrary to many other PHP/MySQL
webchats, this script can (but must not) be run using a non-forking
socketserver to handle all message transport.

75) PHP Counter Hosting Script/Website
This script is a complete counter hosting tool. It lets you offer counter
service to others from your site. Your members don?t need any PHP-support
on their webserver, they just pass the required data through JavaScript to
another script that is hosted on your server. It supports IP-check with
timeout, show online-users, visitor-paths, download-count, multi-page count,
email-notification, admin-mode to create/del users, request new password,
visitors per day, search-function and a mailing list.

76) Perl Visitor Welcome Script
With this handy little perl script you can welcome your visitors depending on
the time of day. The greeting text can be modified and is inserted by SSI.
Features include the ability to greet the visitor depending upon the time of day,
ability to insert the script by SSI, greeting words can be adapted freely, time
offset between local time and server time can be adjusted.

77) Website Indexing and Searching Script
This sophisticated, powerful, versatile, customizable and effective site
indexing/searching suite comes as a pair of distinct scripts. The indexer
automatically scans and indexes a web site, and the search engine, a cgi
script that serves search queries for keywords over the index, displays
results pages in HTML, in a standard format including title, description
and relevance ranking for each matching document.

78) PHP-Based Help Desk Script
With this script you can own your ticket based help desk system that allows
you to completely manage and answer your clients questions with speed in ease.
Messages are archived so you can refer back to questions when they are the
related which will greatly reduce the time you have to spend
managing your business.

79) Complete PHP Bug Tracking Script
This highly-usable PHP and MySQL based script is an easily deployable, web based
bug tracker to aid in product bug tracking. Features include easy installation, platform
independent, supports multiple projects and languages, emailing, searching and more.
This script is a great thing to have if you are developing scripts or real-life projects
and want a way for your users to submit bugs and for you to keep track.

80) Document Management System
This super script expertly programmed in PHP is a web based document management
system designed to comply with ISO 17025 and OIE standard for document management.
It features fine grained control of access to files, and automated install and upgrades.

81) Banner Management and Tracking System
This powerful script is a banner management and tracking system written in PHP;
it can manage multiple banners (any size) per advertiser and allows you to view daily,
overall and summary statistics plus send statistics to advertisers via email.

82) Web Form Generator Script
This script is an easy-to-use tool to create reliable and efficient web forms
and the best part is that absolutely no programming of any sort is required
and it has the ability to create up to 100 different form fields plus can add a
variety of field types including text boxes, drop down selection and more.

83) Directory Indexer Written in PHP
This PHP script makes a table that lists the files in a directory and lets you
access the files and subdirectories. It includes searching, icons for each file
type, an anti-leech feature, bandwidth limiting, access logging, and more.

84) Web-based Reservation System
A web-based reservation system that allows administered management of
reservations on any number of resources. Typical applications are room or
machine reservation management.

85) PHP Online Project Management Script
You can now have online project management with team collaboration,
user management, multiple access levels, tasks, projects, and time tracking,
task change history, files approval tracking, notes, client project sites and
more with this super useful script that can really help organize your business.



