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View Full Version : Jamit Job Board v3.0.5 PHP nulled + Rus + Theme

01-29-2010, 01:52 AM
Jamit Job Board v3.0.5 PHP nulled + Rus + Theme



Search jobs, browse jobs by date, by category or by employer. Latest jobs listed on the front page.
Job Seeker's Area
Jobs seekers can sign-up and submit their resume or manage their Job Alerts. Job seekers can manage other things associated with their account.
Employer's Area
Employers can sign-up and browse job seeker's resumes, manage their advertisements (job postings) or manage their Resume Alerts. Job postings can be 'Standard' or 'Premium'. Additionally, job seekers can submit their profile and manage other things associated with their account.
Administration Panel
The job board is highly configurable and there are many possibilities for running the job board. The administration panel consists of a set of web pages where you can:
Approve / Disapprove / Edit / Delete job postings
Approve / Disapprove / Edit accounts with the click of a button.
View / Edit / Delete resumes.
View sales reports and manage transactions, see who is currently online
Set Prices
Configure Categories, Forms, Language, Email Templates, General options, Columns on lists
Create / Send Newsletters
Cool! - Dynamic Forms
All forms, including the Job posting form, the Resume form, Employer's profile form, and registration forms are modified visually from the Admin without modifying any source code.
The forms support a large number of field types including radio buttons, multiple selects, images, word documents, YouTube video, Flixn Video and more. Unlimited number of fields can be placed into a form and there's no extra programming needed. The database is then configured automatically after the 'Save Changes' button is clicked.
Cool! - Dynamic Search Forms
Search fields can be added / removed to any of the search forms. No programming is needed, the search form is updated automatically after the 'Save Changes' button is clicked.
Cool! - Dynamic Lists
You can specify which columns are to be displayed on the list. Define columns which can be visible to the public, or only to the Admin. Various other options are available, including 'sort by column name'. No programming is needed and you will see the result immediately!
Cool! - Themes & templates
A powerful template system allows designers to build custom skins for their Job Board. Additionally, ready-made themes can be downloaded and installed separately.
Cool! - Plug-in System
A powerful plugin system allows PHP developers and integrators to develop their own custom extensions / components to provide extra functionality. Additionally, ready-made plug-ins can be downloaded and installed separately.
Anonymous and Blocked Fields on the resume form
Fields can also be 'blocked' or set to be 'anonymous'.
Anonymous fields encourage the job seekers to submit their resume while keeping their identity secret to the public.
Blocked fields are used in the Subscription system to entice the employer to subscribe to the resume database.
Anonymous fields will not be displayed to employers unless the candidate agrees to reveal them to the employer (eg. contact details).
Blocked fields will only be displayed to the employer if the employer subscribes to the resume database.
Both features can be toggled On/Off from the Admin.
XML Importing System
The XML Importing system is an extra feature that is bundled with the Job Board. You can train the job board to import jobs from any XML file spec, and jobs can be delivered to your job board via HTTP or fetched from another place using the file system, FTP download or URL download.
XML Exporting System
The XML Exporting system is an extra feature that is bundled with the Job Board. It includes the ability to build custom XML feeds, so that the data can be exported to other job boards and Search Engines. Includes out-of-the-box support for Google Base, Indeed.com, SimplyHired.com and RSS.
Members Only Fields
Fields on job posts, employer's profiles or resumes can be hidden to users that are not logged in. You can also make it so that the user needs to be logged in and also be a paid-up customer before they can view the 'Members Only' fields.
Pre-Filled Fields on the job posting form
This is a great time-saving feature for the advertiser. Fields on the job posting form can be marked as 'pre-filled'. When an advertiser posts a job for the next time, the data from the previous job post will be automatically pre-filled.
The Job Board can be easily translated to many different languages. Users can switch between languages on-the-fly.
E-Commerce Enabled - Billing System
The Job Board includes full support for collecting posting fees and subscription fees via PayPal and other payment methods. Additionally, subscription processing can managed by a custom PayPal Instant Payment Notification (IPN) module integrated with the Job Board software.
Advertisers can buy credits for posting. You specify the price and the amount of posting credits. Posting credits are bought in Packages (eg. $50 for 1 posting credit, $200 for 5 credits; any combination is configurable)
Advertisers are given the choice of buying Standard Posts or Premium Posts
Subscription are purchased for a period of time. (For example 1 month, 6 months or 12 months, any combination is configurable)
The Job Board can also run in a "free" mode, and Standard Posts are free to all. It is possible to limit the number of free posts per user.
Other payment systems include: 2Checkout, Authourize.net, MoneyBookers, CCAvenue, NOCHEX
Other non-instant payment methods supported, such as Bank Transfer and Check / Money Order.
New! - A Membership billing system for candidate and employers. This is a major addition to the job board which allows you to charge a signup fee to either candidates or employers or both.
Cool! - The job board can manage subscriptions for each customer, and if the customer used PayPal then PayPal will automatically re-bill the customer and notify the job board of the change, all is automated.
RSS Feeds
Distribute the latest jobs to other websites through a built-in RSS feed. For example, users can add the latest job headlines to their My Yahoo Page.
Email Alerts
Its is possible to enable / do the following:
Send automated Job Alerts to job seekers
Send automated C.V. Alerts to employers
Send Newsletters to employers / job seekers.
Email Alert to admin when a new post is posted
Email Alert to admin when a new user signs up
Alert to Admin when an application is sent
The job board uses an advanced email queuing approach which can spread the sending of email over a period of time. This ensures that large websites can send the email without bogging down the server.
Additionally, sever spam controls were included - for example the Job Board will only allow you to send bulk email to people who have explicitly opted-in, and it will not send email alerts to people who did not log on for more than 30 days (by default).
If your job board is targeting a specific area, you can enable the map feature. The map will be displayed with each post. Advertisers can mark the location by moving the marker on the map.
Online Applications
Candidates can apply to the job postings online. You can control whenever the candidate needs to login in order to apply, or who the application goes to (Employer or Administrator or both). Candidates can attach up to 3 attachments at a time, and the application will be sent by email.
Tell A Friend & Save This Job
Job Seekers can use this feature to send an email to their friend about a job posting that they found. Users can also save their job listings to their private area.
Custom Time Zone
The job board's date can be set to a custom time zone, regardless of the server's time zone.
Categories can be defined for job listings. The categories can be navigated by links, or using the 'Category' field on the Search form. Additionally, it is also possible to specify categories for Resumes and other forms as well.
Customizable look and feel
The job board comes with a main.css file where all the styles are defined. You can control many of the look and feel aspects by simply changing the main.css file. Additionally header.php and footer.php files can be changed so that the job board fits in with the layout of your site. If you know a little php, you can modify the index.php page or other pages for even further customization.
A fully featured WYSIWYG editor is included and can be used by advertisers to format their job postings how they want, the way they want. The editor can be added as a field to any of the forms, and is highly flexible. It includes a feature for pasting in documents form Word, where it will fix all broken HTML which Word can produce. (Additionally, the job board ensures to strip any unwanted or dangerous HTML...)
Input Filtering
You can create a list of 'censored words' not accepted by the job board. The job board also makes sure to filter all HTML and strip dangerous attributes from un-trusted input. Additionally, the job board breaks long words and includes some other nifty data cleaning options.
Export to CSV file
Job Posts, Resumes, Employers, Seekers and Profiles can be exported to a CSV file and imported to your favorite spreadsheet for further analysis.
Extra Stuff
The software contains some additional tools to make life easier.
It includes a Mail Monitor which is able to monitor your email box for bounced email and unsubscribe users form your mailing list automatically.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) features, including XML Sitemaps and search engine friendly URLs (Requires Apache HTTP Server with Mod Rewrite installed). Ability to customize title, description, keyword and file-name for all categories.


Demo: http://www.jamit.com/jobs/
Admin: http://www.jamit.com/jobs/admin/


