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12-09-2009, 06:09 PM
First Name:Chris

CSS Username:Fanatic

Steam ID:

Steam Account Name:(I use non-steam sorry)



Duration of time applicant has been playing CSS (estimate):3 years

Duration of time applicant has been surfing CSS (estimate):2 Year

Duration of time applicant has been playing on KSF Server:4 Months(Possibly more)

List of Skill Maps Completed:surf vegitable,surf fruits,surf_ny_platinum,surf_amplitude

Reason applying for KSF Clan:I was talking to mr.brown about the clan and he said you should join then.

Contributions applicant has made/can make towards the KSF Community:Act as a romodel to ksf members and applicants,I am a great communicator and player.

Do you actively use a microphone and/or have a microphone:Yeah,for sure.

Do you actively participate on the KSF forums?Sorry just applied now,but i plan to be a daily active forum member

Do you participate on the KSF Ventrillo?Yeah, I do.

Mr. Brown
12-09-2009, 06:20 PM
i said get to know everyone, nyukka

12-09-2009, 07:46 PM
I played with you enough and stuff +1 :)

chef. lack
12-09-2009, 11:16 PM
you said you have been going by other aliases in your other post, what were they?

and sorry but i don't recognize your name really... hit me up in game sometime and get to know everyone around here. just knowing one member isn't going to get you in :roll:

12-10-2009, 03:10 AM
Sorry I haven't seen you around, and we kinda have a higher skill requirement.

Also, great communicator? I am to, i can talk to people.....

Mr.Demon <3
12-10-2009, 05:29 AM
Sorry I haven't seen you around, and we kinda have a higher skill requirement.

Also, great communicator? I am to, i can talk to people.....

Honestly we're not only choosing people only for their skill...

Don't try to make an sV with ksf kthxbai

As for your application I think your Foxxy right?

Didnt see ya much on the server and the only time i saw you you were only talking to brown soooo.....

Get known by others bitch.

12-10-2009, 07:19 AM
[quote="T!cK":ofjyclty]Sorry I haven't seen you around, and we kinda have a higher skill requirement.

Also, great communicator? I am to, i can talk to people.....

Honestly we're not only choosing people only for their skill...

Don't try to make an sV with ksf kthxbai

As for your application I think your Foxxy right?

Didnt see ya much on the server and the only time i saw you you were only talking to brown soooo.....

Get known by others bitch.[/quote:ofjyclty]

Oh sorry, it just says in the motd 'BEST SURFERS ON CSS" for no reason right?

Don't feel bad because I can't do fruits -_-

12-10-2009, 07:58 AM
No im not foxxy he/she is a cunt.. And yeah i can do fruits and probably woop a lot of use :) anyways c use around hopping to get recoginzed more with this name.. But my moms going in the hossy for surgery so BYE

12-10-2009, 09:28 AM
I dont recognize you at all. Do you go by a different ingame name other than fanatic?

12-10-2009, 11:47 AM
I have used moonlight and playboy but people copy my name often

Mr.Demon <3
12-10-2009, 06:16 PM
[quote="Mr.Demon <3":3tz2sf4o][quote="T!cK":3tz2sf4o]Sorry I haven't seen you around, and we kinda have a higher skill requirement.

Also, great communicator? I am to, i can talk to people.....

Honestly we're not only choosing people only for their skill...

Don't try to make an sV with ksf kthxbai

As for your application I think your Foxxy right?

Didnt see ya much on the server and the only time i saw you you were only talking to brown soooo.....

Get known by others bitch.[/quote:3tz2sf4o]

Oh sorry, it just says in the motd 'BEST SURFERS ON CSS" for no reason right?

Don't feel bad because I can't do fruits -_-[/quote:3tz2sf4o]


12-10-2009, 10:00 PM
I have used moonlight and playboy but people copy my name often

Ah alright i think i have seen those names before. anyway it will definitely help you get recognized if u just stick with one name :P, and the more people that recognize you the better chance you have of getting in :D

Mr.Demon &lt;3
12-10-2009, 10:50 PM
I have used moonlight and playboy but people copy my name often

Ah alright i think i have seen those names before. anyway it will definitely help you get recognized if u just stick with one name :P, and the more people that recognize you the better chance you have of getting in :D

Yea would definitly like to know more about you before saying yes.

12-12-2009, 04:28 PM
Oh yeah guys,sorry um im sticking with this name though.. Ok so more about me...

im 14, my names chris

I live in ontario, canada

My hobbies have to do with hanging out with friends and computers

When i grow up i want to be in the series of IT security.. I'm very loyal,honest a good communicator and friend to have around but i guess you have to learn it for your selves if you dont take my word for it..

I'm a legit player,I'm intelligent as well in and out side of school..

Hope that fills you in more.. np :)

In Regards,

12-17-2009, 10:59 AM
Btw, caught you cheating on forbidden_ways..

12-18-2009, 06:32 PM
What are you talking about i havent played c:ss in like 3 weeks besides today

12-19-2009, 10:53 AM
What are you talking about i havent played c:ss in like 3 weeks besides today

12-20-2009, 06:12 PM
I just got on cs:s like 3 days ago

Mr.Demon &lt;3
12-20-2009, 07:16 PM
I dont think Zen would lie for no reasons.....

12-20-2009, 10:39 PM
I dont think Zen would lie for no reasons.....
I dont know about this.

Anyways, no vote from me, dont know this guy.