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10-27-2009, 02:04 PM
im just throwing this out there now ;)

laightly ksf has been on fire!! mapping and so on, getting our name more out there:) so since were in a very active period i thought that maybe we should make a surf vid? each of the active member does a lvl and we mix it together. if there is some in this clan that is good at movie editing and stuff like that you can do it, i know zentrix is great at making intros and outros and that stuff.. if we dont have any1 thats aspeacially good at editing i could get a friend to do it for us. he made a vid for me earlier of surf_syria and thembrium (think some of u saw it). all tho that vid has been deleted. but if u wanna see one of hes works go to luanshizzle on youtube :) this is just a sugestion but i think it would be a good idea :D :D :D

10-27-2009, 03:42 PM
de ja vu. We already went through this with zoomj making the vid. It never got done because zoomj never finished anything. :?

10-27-2009, 04:58 PM
well zoomj is history now :P we could give it another try? if any1 actually wanna do this ofc... and alot of ppl has actually asked me if ksf has a clan surf movie which we dont :( i think we should have it :) i think this would be as we say in norway: toppen av kransekaka (topp off the kranscake) with the map xD

10-28-2009, 07:09 PM
I think we should take things one at a time, as in get the map done, then start a movie. I'm all for the movie thatd be dope, but I think we would get overwhelmed if we started to many things right now. ya know?

10-29-2009, 09:27 AM
I think we should take things one at a time, as in get the map done, then start a movie. I'm all for the movie thatd be dope, but I think we would get overwhelmed if we started to many things right now. ya know?

ur right hesko, it would be to much :P but when were going to make this i suggest that we make a movie off the new map, but i think this is something every1 want to be a part off if its going to be made so that we have more then one map on the vid so its enough for all...

chef. lack
10-29-2009, 11:11 AM
finish the map, don't release it. work on and finish the vid, including parts from the map (this also will give time to make sure the final FINAL FINAL version of the map is ready, no bull shit surf_ksfvb^aplha13 shit). Post vid, release map.

10-29-2009, 05:46 PM
I've been working on editing recently and for the most part it's a piece of piss.

1- Videos with too much editing look like shit.
2- Videos with unnessacray editing look like shit.
3- If people want to see a surf video, they want to see surf, not some shit ass 2 minute long intro and then 2 minute of crappy clips.
4- Zentrix has found the balance between all of these, I've been looking at his videos and trying to imitate certain aspects and it is working, but he is also amazing with co pilot.
5- We are surf skill for the most part, and when we are not, we are combat. Surf skill is a 1 person job, combat doesnt need a video, and there is basically no-one i know of who plays xdre4m/skyworld freestyle.

Mr.Demon <3
10-29-2009, 08:53 PM
I Play Bigloop freestyle everayday

10-30-2009, 07:47 AM
I've been working on editing recently and for the most part it's a piece of piss.

1- Videos with too much editing look like shit.
2- Videos with unnessacray editing look like shit.
3- If people want to see a surf video, they want to see surf, not some shit ass 2 minute long intro and then 2 minute of crappy clips.
4- Zentrix has found the balance between all of these, I've been looking at his videos and trying to imitate certain aspects and it is working, but he is also amazing with co pilot.
5- We are surf skill for the most part, and when we are not, we are combat. Surf skill is a 1 person job, combat doesnt need a video, and there is basically no-one i know of who plays xdre4m/skyworld freestyle.

i was talking about skill surf, not combat/freestyle surf, but i want 1 person to take one lvl and another to the other lvl again if u get my picture? thats what i mean is a clan movie, cuz its kinda stupid if we have a clan movie where only one person surfs the whole map...
and im not talking about over editing the vid but it has to look nice, nice colors, and so on...

10-30-2009, 12:44 PM
Unless there is a person who is enthusiastic about making the video, there is no point really. Like I said one time this failed and the only way to make it work is not piling the work on someone but finding soneone who actually wants to make it, and who's good.

10-30-2009, 04:16 PM
as i said, if there isnt any here in clan that wanna do this.. i can ask my friend luan... im pretty sure hell do it, maybe not now becaus hes working on a clan vid for a clan called glow or something but maybe after that... we got time no rush ;) and im trying to learn sony vegas now so i could do it if i learn enough about it :P

10-31-2009, 08:26 PM
For the vid, im unsure in how far zoomj is in progress. I heard from Albinoman, that he's willing to give up the project to someone else. My editing skills arent the greatest but i can give it a try from where he stopped.. if just i could get the file(s)........
But i know for sure, that theres some pretty awesome clips. would be sad to let them perish.

10-31-2009, 08:55 PM
For the vid, im unsure in how far zoomj is in progress. I heard from Albinoman, that he's willing to give up the project to someone else. My editing skills arent the greatest but i can give it a try from where he stopped.. if just i could get the file(s)........
But i know for sure, that theres some pretty awesome clips. would be sad to let them perish.

that'd be cool, oh and if u need help to remove the name thing just ask me on steam..

11-13-2009, 12:39 PM
Zoomj and some people were making a video... dont even know what happened to that. Zentrix is pretty good with AE, if we can find any other good video editor's we can probably grab zoomj's demos of KSF members surfing and put them together.

11-13-2009, 08:27 PM
as i said earlier if we dont have any good editors here i can ask my m8 luan, hes pretty good at editing