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View Full Version : New Akai Sucks..

08-03-2009, 02:59 PM

Evolv The new akai_f1n4l sucks , every 1 just spawn camps.. and the Jail.. you can put the walls down in that maze.. old 1 was better . and surf_paranoid map dosnt work.. it just loads and says map missing surf_paranoid disconnected..


08-03-2009, 03:24 PM
I personally love akai, so it is all a matter of opinion. As far as paranoid goes, I will tell evolv in case he doesnt see this. What exactly is wrong with the file?

08-03-2009, 03:48 PM

My fav map is Akai.. But that new akai evolv put on sucks..

And that paranoid map..

When its about to load it says something like "Missing Map surf_paranoid"

And Disconnets..

08-04-2009, 11:03 AM

My fav map is Akai.. But that new akai evolv put on sucks..

And that paranoid map..

When its about to load it says something like "Missing Map surf_paranoid"

And Disconnets..
The newer akai final is the better one, I don't see your logic in adding in the information of every one spawn camping it, as they will just do the same in the original because there is almost no difference in the map except the jail. The jails walls go down on a timer, when the round lasts a certain time the walls lower to speed up the gameplay so dead players don't have to wait longer once the living players go to jail and have to search through the maze for them.

surf_paranoid works on the server, except he didn't setup the download for it.