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07-28-2009, 01:58 PM
Its amazing to see that people would actually believe that I would remove a website that I designed (except the banner), deactivate my account on the forums and ban my IP address so that I needed to get Spyder to remake an account for me, remove every single bz2 on the entire server (over 150) just to spend 3+ hours today fucking downloading maps, bzipping them, and fucking reloading them on our FTP, not to mention completely remove an MOTD which I had not backed up so I currently have to design a new one, then banning KSF members on the server. What I am having the hardest time believing is that because Mustard left and is now falsely claiming that we are now somehow dead? KSF will continue to expand and flourish I can gaurentee this or you can continue to think that for SOME ODD REASON I would SABOTAGE MY OWN SERVER, I never asked for any of this to happen but will MAKE SURE we are not intimidated by FALSE ACCUSATIONS. As for now I am remaking our MOTD and WEBSITE, which will be more professional than ever~ If you admin has been removed and you are still a loyal KSF member, pm me anytime and I will readd your admin promptly. SO lets move on and the members deciding to stay will see they made the right choice :D

07-28-2009, 09:45 PM
Col. Mustard has lost his mind

LOL that just sounded hella funny to me.. lol still laughing.

Well idk anything on this issue so i gotta talk to u guys about wtf is happening. im currently waiting on my new motherboard casue my current motherboard is fucked. I get BSOD every time i use firefox for over 15 minutes becasue of memory management issues. So obviously css and anything else is out of the question.

07-28-2009, 11:52 PM
From what it seems, both sides are giving very different stories, so it's hard to settle on a mutual agreement that could satisfy both sides. Mustard is saying that shit was spoken against him and that plans to sabotage his leadership was in order, while evolv's side denies any claims. Guys, try to talk it out. From what it seems, the whole situation is based upon on either a big misunderstanding, or a definite plot which is trying to be covered up. Either way, with the separation of the clan, fighting is no longer needed. I'm sounding like a total fag right now, but you guys really need to get off your periods and settle this down. I'm fine with the clan separating, but I am not with it having a civil bitchfest. I'm sorry for banning everyone. I was not thinking straight and went against my virtues. After around 2 min of thought, I am not joining fragg. I have no time for css. Hopefully I can be a friend to both clans.

Mr.Demon <3
07-29-2009, 09:17 AM
Dude wtf happen with both of you (evolv and mustard.)
ksf was awesome dude. Now the clan is like fuckin up like sv.
i dont know anything about both stories except for the chat log ive seen between FV and daniel. I dont even know whos on wich side. Seriously ksf was a clan i came in to have fun not fucking ""bitch im the boss"" war. And penor no you dont sound like a fag when your saying this in fact your totally right. god damn get off your freaking period. And wtf with the plot to take the lead off mustard. seriously i dont even see why would someone would plot agaisnt him. He was a great leader for real. The server used to be so fun and shit now it just argue on wich side is right or wich side is wrong. Seriously atm im fucking neutral. i want to know more of the story.
Guys seriously even if the clan separating get over your girl fight god damn.

Mr.Demon ksf or not

07-29-2009, 12:04 PM
I will post all of the story from my side. I like Mustard, and I always have. Any sort of a problem I had was purely in the way he did things, not in his person, and I want to make that clear. That being said, this is the story from my side. A few days ago(either sunday night or saturday night, I honestly dont recall exactly when), I was in vent with mustard and several others, and Mustard said something along the lines of "Evolv keeps messing up the admin.txt, he doesnt know how to do anything". It sort of made me upset that Mustard would say something about Evolv who clearly does know his shit, but I held my tongue. Later that night, I was in the server and Lody was spamming, being in vent with Mustard, I asked Mustard if I could ban Lody since he had been banned before for excessive mic spamming, and Mustard gave me the go ahead, so I did it, only to have Skar flip a shit on me saying he would unban Lody and that I was wrong for doing it, but Mustard talked to him and said Lody was to remain banned, but the Skar thing was kind of the last straw, so I complained to Evolv about how I didnt think he was fair that skar could do that or even neccesarily have admin because he technically wasn't in the clan. I also brought up how Mustard had been talking about Evolv. I never said Evolv should say or do anything to Mustard, in fact, I said I was considering leaving the clan because I specifically didnt want to start anything or be the shit stirrer. However, Evolv made the decision to talk to Mustard based on the fact that I was not the first person to say something/have a complaint. That was where my involvement actually ended. I was not trying to get anyone to leave the clan or anything whatsoever. I will explain what happened next to the best of my knowledge. About 5 minutes or so after I talked to Evolv, Mustard said in vent, "Hey Daniel, Why did you say shit to evolv, now we're fighting, what the fuck dude." Then he left Vent. He rejoined a few times throughout the night, but left every time right away, I assume because he saw me. I thought that that was the end of it and it would blow over. I didnt see him online really the next day, but the next night I noticed the MOTD was gone, and told Evolv, who said that Mustard had deleted it since he hadnt and Mustard was the only other one who could have. Evolv put up a new temp MOTD, and for that time, we honestly didnt really know what exactly was going on. The next day i got on and the website was gone, being a blank screen saying only "Kamikaze Strike Force website, owned by Evolv. Evolv told me that this was also Mustard(For the record, evolv was in Indiana and couldnt do much about anything while he was gon). I also found myself ip banned from the forums with the reason "backstabber", and had my admin removed on the server. I had no idea what exactly this was about. That day, me acid and slaraka were in vent when mustard came in under an alias, although I realized it was probably him. This is when he really flipped out and started raging at me and acid. He was like I know you have been plotting against me for like 2 months, thats why me and the originals have been planning on leaving for like a month now, this is just the catalyst. I tried to talk to him and actually explain what happened, but he wasnt listening or having any of it. He said that KSF as we knew it was done, that evolvs server would be gone in 2 days max, and that "he had shit on all of his because he had been planning this, and we didnt even know what he was going to do". He then ragequit vent and that was the last time ive seen or spoken to him(that was yesterday afternoon). Also, during his rant, acid discovered that he was banned from the website with the same reason "backstabber". This is honestly the biggest indicator that Mustard is going crazy and acting irrational. Acid was in Indiana for the past week or so, and was not present for ANYTHING other than Mustards final rant in vent. There was NEVER a plot to get rid of Mustard. I didnt even want him gone. The only reason evolv said a thing to him was because he had recieved numerous complaints about Mustard. I know this is my side of the events, but its the truth. I consider myself a trustworthy person, and I never act irrationally as many of you know. Take this story how you well, but its exactly what happened from my POV.

Mr.Demon <3
07-29-2009, 02:15 PM
Thanks Daniel that clarify a bit of the story. But i would really like to know the side of mustard and evolv because this is just cat fight going on here? c'mon isnt this clan was made for fun? and being serious dick like sv and shit?
Just my tought.

07-29-2009, 05:32 PM

07-29-2009, 08:10 PM
This is col. mustard talking through penors account, dont try to ban it because I can use others.

Im not posting to argue. Im posting to clear up the bullshit lie's your all spreading to try and fucking save the little dignity you have left.

The question everybody is asking is, is ksf dead? Well in my opinion, its been dead for a long time. But now, the clan is dead more than ever, however I have no reason to believe or oppose that the server will thrive due to all the bullshit some members do to ensure it stays populated.

So to answer the question of whether or not its dead, read this entire post.

No more lies: For the last month or so, Evolve has been bitching me out for not doing enough work for the clan. He has forgotten that I have owned it for 3 years. He has forgotten that if it wasn't for me he probably wouldn't even have a server right now. He also proceeded to state that he wants a new clan leader.
Then on Sunday night, I received a pm from evolve, complaining more about me, and saying that he was taking away my privileges. Less than an hour from that, I lost admin, ftp, and the RCON was changed. Suspicious? I spied in vent under a false name and overheard acid and dan continuously calling me a bitch, how they are happy I'm out of the clan, and how the three of them (evolve included) are going to lead ksf now that I'm out of the picture.

So I retaliated, which is when I took down the site, banned the backstabbers, took down the .bz2's and blacklisted the entire clan with a few private meetings with other leaders. From there me and many members of the clan got together and began to form a new clan out of the old ideals of the original ksf clan. From there I've had multiple spies in their vent server feeding me info about how they were already spreading lies and bullshit to keep what they had left in the clan together. Then when they realized they couldn't, they moved onto the topic of destroying my new clan... because that's all the new ksf is, take out the competition and everybody will play on ksf. I wont go into detail cause i know evolve will be a bitch and delete this post.

That is as full and honest of a story as I can go into. I've asked many members who have been in the clan with me for a while to leave ksf after all this bullshit, and join with our new fragg.co community. Anybody is welcome to come except for the backstabbers.

In response to evolves post: You designed the website? You did one fucking thing, create the buttons using a tutorial you fucking lier. Who coded every single page? Who had to redo every single fucking graphic... even the few that you made.

In response to dan: You like my person? Awww, I never would have guessed after you constantly went behind my back to twist what I said to evolve to get us to argue, and then continually calling me a little bitch, and butthurt faggot in vent when you didn't think I was on? Proof of how low this clan has sunk.

And what I did to ksf. I banned the 3 backstabbers, from the server and the forums. I took down anything that I had a hand in, the motd and the website. And Then I deleted the .bz2's out of rage at what I had overheard dan and acid talking about in vent. (Ill talk about that later in this post).

Remember that I have owned ksf for the past 3 years. I've brought together a community of players who I liked and who I wanted around me. Remember that before you want to say that I'm a lier, a crackpot, or that it was easy to do this.

__________________________________________________ _______

Enough of the bullshit lies, don't try deleting this post, if you do it will be everywhere and I will follow through with another few lines of my plan (you know what im talking about evolve).

I'm fucking disgusted with how low the clan has sunk in the past few months, and ashamed that it happened under my leadership. I'm also disgusted at how easy it was for these 3 backstabbers to take over. But it's to late, and me and many members are sick of it. Now everybody knows the truth, not the fucking desperate lies from these traitors.

This is not ksf anymore, none of you, dan, acid, or even evolve are really ksf, your tag means nothing now.


07-29-2009, 09:09 PM
Just to let you all know i had nothing to do with mustard bitching because i was gone for a week in indiana so all of these lies about me talking shit about mustard is retarded and mustard over reacted because evolv just said that he got complaints and your new clan is getting told lies by you because they are saying that ksf got too full and it was too easy to get into the clan when mustard was the only person accepting people and for mustard to flip out and bullshit about nothing its retarded. Why dont you get over your self mustard because dans story was true and dont fucking pull me into this bullshit because i had nothing to do with it i was gone with family for a week if you want proof heres the ticket coming home--------http://i31.tinypic.com/hwxyqu.jpg

07-29-2009, 09:33 PM
Ok Mustard this is all good but, I really dont care about this anymore, but you just continue to provoke us when we have made no threat to you. You always leave one thing out of the picture mustard, I never withdrew your position as KSF leader and even after everything happened I offered you the position of KSF leader back, I dont know if you cant see my side or what, but I dont know anything better to offer to you. As for now, you really just need to grow up and learn that this is just a video game, I will continue to run to my server, you can continue to run your server, but you continue to go around to every surf server (looking like a complete fool, but I give you props on fooling intox) into banning all KSF members by making FALSE ACCUSATIONS. Now I am done with these little games you children are trying to play, I will continue running the KSF server (Clueless the original server/clan leader has even asked me too.) and Mustard you also do not seem to understand that the KSF community does not take any word of your nonsense about KSF meaning nothing seriously, honestly the word of Clueless is the only one that will ever even matter.