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View Full Version : marobe1 application XD

06-04-2009, 06:14 PM
1. What is your real name?
2. What is your in-game name?
3. How old are you?
4. Where do you live?
Florida, United States
5. What's your Steam ID?
6. How long have you been playing Counter-Strike: Source?
18 months
7. How long have you been surfing in Counter-Strike: Source?
18 months
8. List the skill surf maps you are able to finish. If you can't finish any of them, list how far you can get in some of the major ones (fruits, vegetables, ny_advance, etc)
I can finish some maps(dont remember names=)) but i can get far on most maps we play on this server and i will always get better.=)
9. What makes you want to be a part of KSF?
I play here ALOT and evolve asked if i wanted to join, he said i would be a good addition to the clan. so i decieded to sign up!
10. What makes you believe you'll be a good addition to KSF?
I can proform many tasks and keep this server in order, i like making new friends and would like to be apart of this clans family.
11. Are you an asshole?
12. No, seriously. Are you an asshole?
13. Are you a liar?
Why would i lie, never lie
14. Do you have any questions for the staff? Ask them here.
Do you like cookies?=) lol

06-04-2009, 06:56 PM
Also: you guys have been looking for people with mics so i just wanted to tell you i have a mic that i use

06-04-2009, 09:12 PM
What part of Florida are you in? Maybe we can meet up and fuck like horny bunnies.

Also, what is it with Floridians and cookies?

14. Do you have any questions for the staff? Ask them here.
Do you like cookies?=) lol

10. What makes you believe you'll be a good addition to KSF?
I make cookies.

06-04-2009, 10:50 PM
And what good are these cookies if none of us get them.
Time to pay up boys.

06-05-2009, 01:09 AM
What...? I gave Haseo a huge batch of cookies last time I saw him and told him to share with you guys..

06-05-2009, 08:39 AM
I just asked if you like cookies... Dosn't mean I was gonna give you any. You already got enough cookies on your computer by going to this page. =)

06-05-2009, 10:09 AM
marobe! <3

I say yes!

i want a cookie. :(

06-05-2009, 01:10 PM
so can i join the clan??? we can talk about cookies later...=)

06-05-2009, 02:23 PM
UPDATE: i can surf

surf_omnibus level 4

commune two beta level 5(almost 6)

platinum level 4 (cant telehop for some reason)

vegtables level jalopenos!

fruits level after grape

annoyance level 1-2 i think

ny advance 1-3

pure level

anplittude light beat it

2012 beta12 level after the first one

forbidden tomb 3 level

lore 4-5th level

and on any other map i can most likely beat the first level...=)

06-05-2009, 08:16 PM
UPDATE: i can surf
Ok really.. that is not great surfing skills.

06-06-2009, 10:16 AM
Well I've been getting way better over the past week and I play on your sever all the time and I'm friends with alot of people in there. I will get better in a month.I just started playing again since 4 days ago. Just wanted to be apart of this great clan. And FYI shawam on you clan sucks worse than me at surfing. Can't even pass the first level on many maps thy I seen him play on, which means he probably lied about how great he is at surfing. At least I'm being striaght up. Try me out

06-06-2009, 06:14 PM
Well I've been getting way better over the past week and I play on your sever all the time and I'm friends with alot of people in there. I will get better in a month.I just started playing again since 4 days ago. Just wanted to be apart of this great clan. And FYI shawam on you clan sucks worse than me at surfing. Can't even pass the first level on many maps thy I seen him play on, which means he probably lied about how great he is at surfing. At least I'm being striaght up. Try me out

Honestly, im too fucked up right now to read that big block of text. But i was just commenting on the ironic "i can surf" statement.

06-06-2009, 11:08 PM
Well I've been getting way better over the past week and I play on your sever all the time and I'm friends with alot of people in there. I will get better in a month.I just started playing again since 4 days ago. Just wanted to be apart of this great clan. And FYI shawam on you clan sucks worse than me at surfing. Can't even pass the first level on many maps thy I seen him play on, which means he probably lied about how great he is at surfing. At least I'm being striaght up. Try me out

Coming in and bashing one of our members isn't going to have the effect you obviously thought it would. It's just making you look like a dick, most likely because you are one. And even if that is true about you being better than him, you still aren't very good at all.

06-07-2009, 02:17 AM
Just killed your chances bud..

06-07-2009, 04:07 PM
well i hate tht people lied to get in this clan and im being honest and now im the dick... i think hes more of a dick for lieing to u... wutever i dont care anymore... u guys r mean but im still playing on ur server

Mr.Demon &lt;3
06-07-2009, 07:20 PM
Even if he lied, you could not write this paragraph to tell us that youre better than one of our member.. sad because you looked like a good guy at first place.

Edit : i juste notice that you talk about Scwam, but he was being respectful and he played a long time before he got accepted... he didnt rage on a simple : That still not skill...

senyor argh
06-07-2009, 08:22 PM
p.s. schwam rocks.

Mr.Demon &lt;3
06-08-2009, 07:50 AM
UPDATE: i can surf

surf_omnibus level 4

commune two beta level 5(almost 6)

platinum level 4 (cant telehop for some reason)

vegtables level jalopenos!

fruits level after grape

annoyance level 1-2 i think

ny advance 1-3

pure level

anplittude light beat it

2012 beta12 level after the first one

forbidden tomb 3 level

lore 4-5th level

and on any other map i can most likely beat the first level...=)

8. List the skill surf maps you are able to finish. If you can't finish any of them, list how far you can get in some of the major ones (fruits, vegetables, ny_advance, etc)
vegetables - jalapeņo
advance - 2.2
encore - beat
apex - beat
commune again - 5 or 6
commune too - beat
torque - 4

The only reason he didnt put more is because telling us he can get to annoyance 1-2 is useless...

06-10-2009, 05:45 PM
Alright. You're a nice guy - but, im not impressed about the surfing skills. I therefore vote no.

06-10-2009, 06:42 PM
Since when is ksf about surf skills?