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04-19-2009, 06:31 PM

1. What is your real name?
Fred Fortin

2. What is your in-game name?

3. How old are you?
16 (16-october-1992)

4. Where do you live?
Quebec, Canada :)

5. What's your Steam ID?

6. How long have you been playing Counter-Strike: Source?
2-3 years

7. How long have you been surfing in Counter-Strike: Source?
1-2 years (no-skill map, 6 month maybe for skill maps)

8. List the skill surf maps you are able to finish. If you can't finish any of them, list how far you can get in some of the major ones (fruits, vegetables,
ny_advance, etc)
surf_fruits [Jackfruit]
surf_vegetables [Peas] (once)
surf_commune_too_beta5 [7] (once)
surf_commune_again_beta3 [4] (once)
surf_ny_platinum [5]
surf_sc_essences [7]
surf_amplitude_light [First Ending]
surf_amplitude_apex [3] (once)
And Other maps...

9. What makes you want to be a part of KSF?
I love people in the clan they're nice + i saw that clan is very mature and doesn't take immature person. :)

10. What makes you believe you'll be a good addition to KSF?
I'm maybe not a pro on surf, so I think one type of the best surfer is someone will always try to beat without asking slap, tele.... I agree i never finished a surf skill maps, so i never ask something, i try to make it myself without help. Besides, I'm mature i don't spam. I'm silent.

11. Are you an asshole?
Ehmmm no!

12. No, seriously. Are you an asshole?
Ok I agree but only if someone be an asshole with me otherwise I'm not an asshole :)

13. Are you a liar?

14. Do you have any questions for the staff? Ask them here.
What is the tryout because i see that on other's apps.


Mr.Demon <3
04-20-2009, 05:42 AM
omg another dude from Qc :)

Tryout = Quantum Backward.....or Sideway ... think u can do this ?


04-22-2009, 10:58 AM
lmao daemon, that was funny when we was saying that. Squareways ftw?

but seriously, i dont even know what the trial is, but its not that. I've seen this guy play for a while though and regularly, and hes cool.

04-23-2009, 12:48 AM
The major tryout is always there when you play. Your acceptance in to the clan is mostly based on how you act in game in normal situations. We dislike douches (and Player) and clan leadership mostly decides on that, so each "tryout" after each person gets invited or applied usually varies from person-to-person/non existant until we create a new tryout map. Also, make sure to be active and contribute well to ingame situations. We don't like lifeless rocks either :P

04-23-2009, 06:46 AM
penor, that was like... amazing!
lol, as best as it could be written. hopefully we'll have a tryout map soon, and then whoever is able to beat it will be watched... for days! how he acts and whatever he says counts!! ;)

04-23-2009, 10:08 PM
penor, that was like... amazing!
lol, as best as it could be written. hopefully we'll have a tryout map soon, and then whoever is able to beat it will be watched... for days! how he acts and whatever he says counts!! ;)

i just read that very sarcastically, and it sounds creepy.... are we gonna watch him pee?

Mr.Demon <3
04-24-2009, 04:29 AM
if it necessary i think we'll have too..... like for the drug test or something.... cuz we hate drug! ,...... don't we :roll:

04-24-2009, 06:51 PM
if you want me not silent i can start to talk, i have a mic so i never use it :P idk why so i prefer to type so ty to answering to my app. Besides, sry to don't be here like 4-5 hours per day, I need to take care of 3 servers for friends because they don't know how to set and manage a server -_- xso now i stop doing that for them i'm bored to do it so i'll be better on ksf surf server :). Ohhhh and for me it could be an honor to be in a surf clan :) since before server get back i would like to join you :P.
