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View Full Version : -Haseo-

04-10-2009, 02:43 PM
1. What is your real name?Tom; I prefer Tommy XD

2. What is your in-game name?-???eo-

3. How old are you?16

4. Where do you live?Crappy Indiana :(

5. What's your Steam ID?

6. How long have you been playing Counter-Strike: Source?
I have been playing for about three years.

7. How long have you been surfing in Counter-Strike: Source?
On and off since I've got it.

8. List the skill surf maps you are able to finish. If you can't finish any of them, list how far you can get in some of the major ones (fruits, vegetables, ny_advance, etc)
Um, I don't really know how far I can get. I'm a moderately decent surfer though.

9. What makes you want to be a part of KSF?
It's a great community. The server's great, and I just wanna be a part of it.

10. What makes you believe you'll be a good addition to KSF?
Well, I can't really bring much to the table, but I can say that I'm a mature gamer. I will be releasing my map surf_odd(previously titled surf_thought) with the KSF logo in it, because I believe it is the best community server out there. I'm not a great surfer, and can't bring skill to the table. But I would hope I'm not the worst surfer out there XD.

11. Are you an asshole?
Not really.

12. No, seriously. Are you an asshole?
Um, I guess I can be, but I usually don't get mad about a game, after all, its just a game.

13. Are you a liar?

14. Do you have any questions for the staff? Ask them here.
No questions.