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View Full Version : Jailbreak Rules (v1)

03-28-2009, 11:55 AM
Bored, had a bit of trouble earlier in the server, so i wrote this very quickly.

Jailbreak is a role playing game in which the CTs (Wardens) verbally command the Ts (prisoners). The Ts have to follow what the CTs tell them to do, or the CTs have permission to kill them.
Jailbreak can be a fun game, as long as you follow these rules
- No mic spamming, the mic is there for a reason, don’t scream or play music over the mic.
- If something is done wrong, give it leeway, inform the other person that they are “doing it wrong”.
- If the above fails, report the incident to an admin or call the admin in.
- HAVE A MIC – I cannot stress this enough, without a mic, you cannot give quick orders, if you don’t have a mic, be on T.
- No freekilling – This is the killing of terrorists for no reason at all. If an admin sees you do this repeatedly on purpose, you will be slayed, kicked, then banned.
- Open cells by 3:00 – This is to prevent the Ts sitting in the cells for a long time and to make the game go quicker, if there is an admin on, he will slay all CTs if they do not open cells by 3:00
- Be clear and concise in your orders – Do this to avoid confusion, arguments and general complaints. A good set of orders is “Be at *place* by *time*, crouch walk there, no detours and no jumping. If I see you with a weapon, I will kill you”. This allows little arguments over freekilling and rebellion by the prisoners
- Be rough but fair – treat it as if it is a real prison, do what you must to keep order, but don’t go overboard.
- Follow directions, or else you will be killed – Simple, eh?
- Rebelling is good, but make sure you do it with buddies.
- It’s not freeday everyday, let the CTs run the prison how they want it to be run.
- Don’t talk when the CTs are giving orders, this allows less confusion on the rules of the round for both the CTs and Ts.
- If a player is disobeying the above rules, I give the player a warning, then a slay, then a kick, then a ban. I feel this is the best way to maintain order and not be a rough admin.

Help me edit this and make it more concise. I might add game info (though i dont know all of the jailbreak games)

03-29-2009, 02:59 PM
oic, I thought that freekilling was the whole point of jailbreak :shock:

i think Mustard should be perma banned (though i think he could unban himself) :lol:

03-30-2009, 07:22 AM
I think some of these things should be added.
CTs -
-NO prewarning(this is from surf-infamous jail break rules, best jail break ive ever played on any server)

2B-A) It is OK to say something like "All Terrorists go to <insert destination>" however, if they do not you may not fire upon them until you have warned them individually and they continue to disobey.

2B-B) It is _not_ OK to say something like "All Terrorists go to <insert destination> or be shot." or "If any Terrorist that goes into <insert destination> will be shot" these are blatant "pre-warns" and will not be tolerated.

2B-C) It is OK to say something like “<insert name here> face the wall and do <insert action here> if you turn around I will kill you.

- No camping gun room

- Use names when giving orders

- If you are afk in gun room, and come back and see terrorists coming in or already in, you
CANT kill them(they can kill you) and if you tell other CT's about them it's considered ghosting.

- The last CT alive CANNOT kill any terrorist he sees.

- If you jump on a terrorists head, he can kill you with no consequences

- You cant order a terrorist to do something that will harm them, or order them to kill a counter-terrorist, or something that is impossible.

- You cant order terrorists while they are in a last request and cannot interrupt a last request.

T's -

- You can only kill the person you are doing the last request with, you CANNOT rebel

- You get to choose who goes first in a last request and where you wish it to take place.

- Type.


- You cannot rejoin to become unmuted.

- If an admin swapped you to the opposite team, STAY THERE.

- Don't switch to CT if you were muted as a T to become unmuted.

>>>>> http://surf-infamous.com/jailbreakrules <<<<<

03-30-2009, 08:33 AM
@ albino, alrighty! ill get on that. Though, after this update, maybe we should put it on the server motd.

03-30-2009, 04:54 PM
Ts can rebel whenever they want, including during a last request. It's a dick move, but it's legal.

03-30-2009, 05:27 PM
I suggest adding one of those mods that many jailbreak servers have in place where a rules menu comes up and you have to push a button saying that you agree to the rules, if not you get kicked. Most people might just skip over them, but at least it helps some. Also, last request mods also make things easy.

03-30-2009, 05:35 PM
I suggest adding one of those mods that many jailbreak servers have in place where a rules menu comes up and you have to push a button saying that you agree to the rules, if not you get kicked. Most people might just skip over them, but at least it helps some. Also, last request mods also make things easy.

I've looked for LR mods, and the only ones I've found are ES based. Not gonna happen unless somebody ports one to SourceMod.

04-01-2009, 01:10 AM
Ts can rebel whenever they want, including during a last request. It's a dick move, but it's legal.

Guilty for making "dick moves" lol.
but very nice rules for the jailbreak server and i can't wait for a decent motd for the server.

Mr.Demon &lt;3
04-01-2009, 05:49 AM
You should activate auto-pick to avoid stackin too.

04-01-2009, 10:15 AM
You should activate auto-pick to avoid stackin too.

Auto-pick? What the hell is that?

Mr.Demon &lt;3
04-01-2009, 11:37 AM
lolwut yeah what's auto-pick sorry xD
i meant auto-team or whatever it is .

04-01-2009, 02:43 PM
lolwut yeah what's auto-pick sorry xD
i meant auto-team or whatever it is .

There's already a team balancer plugin I wrote. It should balance the teams at the end of each round so there are more Ts than CTs. If it's not working, let me know.

Mr.Demon &lt;3
04-01-2009, 03:15 PM
kk ill play some later....