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View Full Version : steam community ksf picture

02-28-2009, 02:00 PM
well atm the picture for the ksf group is a nice big question mark. Was just thinking, we need a proper picture lol. Would look a lot nicer and can from then on use that as a KSF logo for where ever the needs be. I dont particularly have any specific suggestions for the picture but probably something simplistic yet memorable and incorporating the themes of kamakaze and surf or whatever. Peace ! :)

chef. lack
02-28-2009, 08:51 PM
should just do a pretty basic KSF image that can be easily added as a spray. simply, clean, and crisp is what u guys need. btw add me on friends "itskingston" if u want and invite me to the group :o

03-21-2009, 12:21 AM
Little Bigz?