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View Full Version : Leet's application

02-05-2009, 06:03 PM
1. What is your real name?

2. What is your in-game name?

3. How old are you?

4. Where do you live?

5. How long have you been playing Counter-Strike: Source?
2-1/2 years
6. How long have you been surfing in Counter-Strike: Source?
1-1/2 years

7. List the skill surf maps you are able to finish. If you can't finish any of them, list how far you can get in some of the major ones (fruits, vegetables, ny_advance, etc)
Cabbage on vegetables, watermelon on fruits, 9 on essence, phase 2-2 on advance, purple on colors, 7 on omnibus

8. What makes you want to be a part of KSF?
They have amazing surfers, They get along well and like having a good time

9. What makes you believe you'll be a good addition to KSF?
let's see, I'm loyal to my clan's I always play on there server(s) I like to help people get into surfing.

10. Are you an asshole?
If someone is an asshole to me, i can be an asshole back.

11. No, seriously. Are you an asshole?
Answered in Q10.

12. Are you a liar?
Not on counter strike no.

13. Do you have any questions for the staff? Ask them here.
Site Admin
ehh, not really, there busy enough.

Posts: 15
Joined: Sat Dec 13, 2008 7:22 pm