View Full Version : Complaints

  1. D:<
  2. how many admins?
  3. Certain Users
  4. Uhh bxi guy?
  5. the goose
  6. HOLY SHIT!1!shift1
  7. Abusing and verbal from an admin
  8. Acid Fries.
  10. nigger untouchable y u so mad
  11. <3™ / 420 eva day | ??? Abusing his admin powers
  12. -??-HÈS??23 (No Eyez)|?sF banning me for rocks
  13. Soo..
  14. ........................
  15. Soooo..
  16. MR. BROWN
  17. oh god
  18. Server hacker/Admin abuse.
  19. Paul - KSF
  20. Penor
  21. fsk |Kc!T - Worst admin I've ever seen in my whole life.
  22. Pi Pi abusing admin.
  23. Acid Fries - Admin Abuse #2
  24. Acid Fries Bannd me again...
  25. Why does Acid Fries even have admin?
  26. ?? | ??y??z™ aimbotting and every other possible hack
  27. 420 eva day admin abuse
  28. Paul
  29. WhitePower/Posiden
  30. Annoying sounds in Surf Time server
  31. deemun
  32. Skar's love to lody.
  33. Map votes
  34. ownd abusing admin
  35. DigitalTerrorist| ??? Abusing Admin
  36. digitalterrorist is abuser
  37. DigitalTerrorist| ??? Abusing Admin... Again...
  38. Digital terriost abusing again
  39. digital terrorist abusing again..
  40. Even more abuse from DigitalTerrorist| ???
  41. Obligatory Digitalterrorist abuse thread
  42. digital terrorist is a raving lunatic of an admin!!!11!1!11
  43. dijital terrist mor lyk dijital abusa
  44. Digital Terrorist Abooooose!!!
  45. .#d0wNbRiNg3r^ asshole!
  47. AAAHHH
  48. Victoria and his small penis
  49. Random Ban???
  50. Forum Activity & Tryouts
  51. Control your admins
  52. verybadboat
  53. juissi is a bad admin
  54. a little question/complain
  55. cry
  56. Admin Abuse (Deadeye)
  57. Admin Abuse (Deadeye) Again, it seems
  58. Hi
  59. VRY IMPTNT - Official complaint
  60. Digital Fagitist countinuous Admin abuse.
  61. Someone? Abuse
  62. Regarding uncharming sprays.
  63. Regarding uncharming threads.
  64. Official surf_kz_mix_journeys Termination Thread
  65. Jay |KSF admin abuse
  66. Unjustified muting - admin abuse
  67. Muted + Gagged for being "Sarcastic"
  68. rooster trail complaint
  69. Jay admin abusing again??
  70. Server currently behind current CS version
  71. Random Bans
  72. slaraka hldj spam
  73. 420@@u _ksf ADmin Abuse
  74. GainesWorthy
  75. Esencia
  76. V.I.P.'s
  77. Escencia
  78. admin abuse
  79. Maffe is on fire
  80. Ban request on .KODIAK.
  81. Ban request on .KODIAK. (More complaints)
  82. Jay admin abuse
  83. admin abuse
  84. jay
  85. Just came to say hello.
  86. Server Add-ons
  87. why does kodiak have immunity again?
  88. Admin Abuse
  89. WRCP On surf_jenocide
  90. Brax banned me
  91. n00ge Admin Abuse.
  92. dis one guy deadye
  93. Fuck this nigga Tioga
  94. Sacred banned me 1 hour
  95. jiveturkey - Abuse of VIP Mute
  96. what is wrong with this world?
  97. "KimJung-un" cancelled extend votes
  98. Ricky pro admin abuser.
  99. KSF: No fun allowed
  100. jay = worst ksf member
  101. Get rid of this Abronymous kid
  102. Mia / BanSacred something
  103. Jiiive is abusing
  104. Cookie Gag Abuse and Racist Remarks.
  105. Visions gag abuse
  107. I am a raging faggot
  108. Ban abuse
  109. I've never seen such an attrocious amount of admin abuse.
  110. "therapist" admin abuse
  111. Sweetie Belle VIP Abuse
  112. Surf_communebeta11 complaint
  113. Gallary of Abusive VIPs
  114. "Jack" Which i'm not 100% sure but i think is Kodiak
  115. Can something be done about all the stupid bind spam
  116. reimufag admin abuse
  117. Ban Appeal?
  118. VIP Gag Abuse
  119. Bind Spam
  120. Surf_frequency_njv bhop report
  121. Surf_perforated_restored bhop report
  122. VIps abusing power
  123. VIPs still abusing
  124. Abuse
  125. VIP Fun Times
  126. ABUSE
  127. Block Communication Not Working
  128. Wow
  129. Wow
  130. [Request] Abusive VIPs CAROLINE, NOSH
  131. Vip and admin abuse
  132. VIP Abuse, mad users everywhere.
  133. Nosh VIP Abuse
  134. [Request] Rule 11 broken. KSF AU
  135. Anonymous being ignorant and banning me for no reason
  136. Nosh VIP Abuse (AGAIN)
  137. Cheating?
  138. Complaint Guidelines
  139. DrewsNY - VIP Abuse Report
  140. [Request] Ban request on spar.
  141. Insulted by "HFInsidious" and "hodgy daddy"
  142. Acusing
  143. Gagged and insulted by "seb"
  144. Very funny dude spamming earthquake sound on surf_qlimax
  145. - vip paint abuse -
  146. Not the warmest welcome
  147. Vip Abuse
  148. Vip Abuse!
  149. [Help] Complait
  150. Nowlech abusing his powers
  151. Css Surf Timer Admin Abuse Report (Flak-sama)
  152. EG drakuly VIP abuser
  153. Unwarranted voteban on surf server
  154. [Request] Unwarrented Trolls abusing !voteban command
  155. surf_canisius2_fix s3 wrcp
  156. Admin abuse [ Kalle | ksf ]
  157. admin abuse
  158. Brax | ksf
  159. [Request] Admin Abuse: Fluffys
  160. general issue+player(s) complaint
  161. [Request] VIP "Toasty" or "pills.inc" complaint
  162. VIP rtv's on Vet server during WR run
  163. VIP vote abuse by awiilz
  164. Admin Abuse | Lamar
  165. DDOSER in Easy (1-2) server
  166. CSS: surf_ace s1,2 time deleted
  167. Matt vip abuse
  168. Abuse of Pandanonymous
  169. skip tracer uses surf bots
  170. Nyannix admin abusing
  171. Admin abuse. Mistresz
  172. Bad Behaviour
  173. User spamming paint all over the map
  174. CS:GO Server Community
  175. VIP perm removal and Sunday VIP perm abuse
  176. Morning, Synki, Skandy, Campaign Manger whoever the fuck this bitch is
  177. Nowlech Admin Abuse
  178. !makezone is broken
  179. Remove radio commands
  180. Nyannix admin abuse
  181. Synki Admin Abuse #2
  182. Can we fix this?
  183. Stevo Admin Abuse
  184. Skandy Abusing
  185. Skandy Abusing#2
  186. Skandy Abusing #3
  187. Skandy Abuse #4
  188. Synki Admin Abuse #3
  189. Synki Admin Abuse #4
  190. Synkie Abuse #5
  191. /p not showing all maps
  192. Vip setnext abuse on europe server
  193. Someone crashing the server on purpose
  194. kusche admin abuse
  195. surf_kz_mix_journeys b3 not able to be completed
  196. [Games] Mr.Ecyy vip abuse
  197. VIP being retarded on Expert
  198. Neph banned/kicked/muted me for calling him a knob?
  199. hating synki
  200. [Help] Synki..................... of course
  201. Negan abusing VIP
  202. FakeIronman - Gagging
  203. Dear vips :)
  204. Admin Abuse from demon, stevo and kusche
  205. kusche admin abuse
  206. Stevo admin abuse
  207. false reports by crash fort
  208. Nyansa, the guy who trashtalks everybody and gets people banned instead of him.
  209. Boo-Americano Admin abuse
  210. stevo out of control ? or maybe just full retard.
  211. VIP Abuse from realnev136
  212. Nev abuses again!
  213. nea vip abuse ambutes admin abuse
  214. pls stop abuzers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  215. Kusche gagging me every time I join
  216. Synki
  217. complaine admin abuse
  218. Sunday complain
  219. Synki and his friends with ban power
  220. Wrong Forum - Please Delete
  221. Ňot abusing gag
  222. Pitbull abuse
  223. [Request] Ban the toxic immature guy called Orson please.
  224. [Suspicious] Kamyl
  225. Admin Abuse
  226. stevo constant admin abuse
  227. Blink
  228. Admin/VIP Abuse
  229. Racist players
  230. Please delete my time
  231. Admin muted me for no reason
  232. Surf Admin abuse, keep calling vote to change map
  233. Time removed for no reason?
  234. Sacred unjustly deleting my wrcp
  235. [Question] why do you ban people so easily ?
  236. looksperfectu
  237. [Help] xen did stage 1 surf_zbig_ksf with lags, when server was broken
  238. 2 players 1 VIP muted by VIP for invalid reason
  239. 3rd party client use
  240. Got told to kill myself then muted
  241. lost points on 100t
  242. Switching my scores mistake