View Full Version : Introductions

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  1. Hey, rookie surfer here!
  2. HeyGuys
  3. sup guys its ya boi
  4. Hello guys, photorex's introduction to ksfclan
  5. xD
  6. hi... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  7. AM i doing this a few years too late?
  8. Hello!
  9. Hi, I'm Picha
  10. Hi
  11. Hello guys.
  12. Introduction
  13. Bonjour
  14. Hello everyone ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  15. Hi
  16. Heyy
  17. yo
  18. Hello kurwa
  19. Time to teach a few lessons.
  20. Hi, i guess?
  21. Greetings from "mate" land.
  22. Hi Dear All
  23. Hey everyone!
  24. New to css surfing have 600 hours in csgo surf
  25. Hello everyone
  26. Hello everyone! :D
  27. Coming to CS S now that TF2 surf died
  28. wassup
  29. Hello!"
  30. New to css but not surf, rank 17 in CSGO
  31. Hello Gaming People
  32. o7
  33. Sup
  34. ERROR 404: puzzling entry
  35. yo!
  36. Hello!
  37. [Help] I am the new guy
  38. [Humor] Im happy I finally signed up
  39. test
  40. Helloo
  41. Helloo (⌐■_■)_
  42. ʕ •ᴥ• ʔ
  43. Hello everyone
  44. Hi